
Cover image for A day in the life of a developer - Building a dashboard app with SQL, Node.js, Django and Next.js

A day in the life of a developer - Building a dashboard app with SQL, Node.js, Django and Next.js

Andrew Baisden on January 25, 2024

Introduction Today we will be getting a quick insight into what it's like to work on projects as a developer as part of a team inside of...
michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Wow, this is a super thorough and well-written post, Andrew. Good to see your writing back on DEV! 🙌

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Thanks for the great feedback! Yeah, last year I was really busy writing a book so I had less time for articles. This year I will be back to writing loads of articles again 🔥

madza profile image

A great and detailed tutorial for full-stack app using NextJS. Wrote a similar tutorial yesterday as well, though using CMS as a backend! 👍💯

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Thanks for being the first to comment @madza glad you liked it 🙏 I will check out your tutorial next. This is the first article I have published this year. Plenty more to come 😁

madza profile image

My pleasure and great job on it! 🔥🔥

hassanndam profile image

Hi Andrew, I followed your tutorial, it's excellent and very detailed. It really helped me to understand how to set up a RESTFULL API and above all to structure my project in the form of layers (back, API, DB & front).

I was having a lot of trouble with this but now it's much clearer in my head. I followed the tutorial from A to Z in 3 days and it was OK.

I just find that it's really designed for intermediate devs, a beginner will have difficulty understanding certain concepts and moving from one file to another.

I have two questions:

1) Why did you create two new tables api_anime & api_animedetails please? Why didn't you just use the anime & anime_details tables? What is the consistency between these two and in which part of Django can I see this please?

2) I've encountered the problem with the "Release Year" display, can you please look at my code and tell me how to fix it?

It's all here:

Thanks a lot,


andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Thanks for the constructive feedback!

1) Great question so it was the Django script which automatically generated these tables and gave them that naming convention. You can find it in the article in this section After defining the models, run the following commands to create the necessary database tables:. I guess it could be possible to use the existing tables if you play around with the code somewhere.

2) I will check it out and let you know

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

@hassanndam did you resolve it? What is the problem with the release year display? I tried the code on your repo and it worked. The release year filter will only filter by dates if they are present in the Anime Data List. I did not code any error handling for it so if you try to filter by a date that does not exist then it just won't show anything.

hassanndam profile image

Thank you @andrewbaisden.

I will check and come back to you.

You can check all my commits and tell me.

With thanks.

ngud0119 profile image


andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Thank you!

sosocrypto profile image

Well written post. Learnt a lot!!!

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Thanks it's always good to have positive feedback!

nellysunday profile image

Wow.... Wonderful

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Thanks it took a long time to write and it shows 😁

alienretro profile image

Nice overview

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Glad to hear that, I think its one of my most useful articles.

ayoubroot profile image
ayoub benayache

Really super post, I give 10/10, we appreciate your time to write it.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Thanks! I agree it took me a long time to write its one of my longest as well.

mbcimolete profile image
Adigun sunday

good work sir. keep the community alive.