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For the zsh plugins, the required changes for .zshrc are now:
source /opt/homebrew/share/zsh-autosuggestions/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh
source /opt/homebrew/share/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh
But brew also lets you know when you install.
Love it!
Do Fig too: fig.io. It's awesome.
Great write up, thanks.
My .nvm folder was 12+ GB after the nvm, install. Its common to get 10+ GB of optional dependencies when installing nvm - To clear just run:
nvm cache clear
for the font, I use VictorMono
Great write up. I immediately adopted Dracula, Obsidian, JetBrains Mono font. Thanks , Andrew
Nice setup, pretty similar to mine.
I use Fira Code and font ligatures.
Why do you install globally tools that might have different versions depending on the project? (
...)I used to use Fira Code its very similar to Jebrains Mono. Oh I think they might have had global installs as an option in their previous docs? Anyway I tend to use the local versions it was just a force of habit making them global installs.
Maybe you can use pnpm, its for more storage friendly :)
Hmmm heard about it but yet to try it.
There's a new Terminal in town: warp.dev
Hmmm it looks like it's still in early access.
I got an invite after about half a week
I think you forgot to mention Metamask extension for the browser :D
Thanks, sir. For this articles. it is useful to me
Is it enough 256GB version of MacBook pro M1 ?
Personally I would have at least 512GB. Because then you are less likely to run out of space fast.
Check out colima to replace docker desktop