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Andrew Duch
Andrew Duch

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What is Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a process of utilizing a network server for performing operations like storing accessing processing of data from or to a database rather than using a local server or computer data. The word “cloud” itself refers to the establishment of servers across the internet for access.

What is cloud computing:

Establishment of a virtual data and usage of its access for our purposes without any actual physical components. Cloud computing is purely based on the sharing of resources for our performances. These resources are can be accessed virtually by communication of servers.

Types of Cloud Computing:

Public Cloud - A cloud provider owns and manages all the hardware, software and supporting infrastructure provided to access them and manage accounts using a web browser. Microsoft Azure is one of the examples of the public cloud. The Azure tutorial gives a brief explanation. As it is operated by third-party cloud service providers to deliver resources such as services and storage through the Internet.

Private Cloud -This is a cloud that mainly consists of a private network. Even if it asks for the third-party to involve in its resources only through the private network of the organization it is possible to access the servers and storage devices. These cloud computing resources are exclusively used by a single organization.

Hybrid cloud -This cloud is a combination of both public and private clouds. It allows the data and application to pass through the public cloud and private cloud.

Satya Nadella on Cloud Computing

Microsoft Corp. chief executive Satya Nadella on Tuesday indicated his company is betting big on cloud and artificial intelligence (AI), or ‘intelligent cloud’, in India.

Microsoft intends to make its cloud computing platform Azure “the world’s computer", Nadella said at the Future Decoded summit in Bengaluru. Microsoft Azure has 57 data centre regions globally, with three centres in Pune, Chennai and Mumbai.

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