Copy of my response for reference: where someone stated:
"Live Reload is not possible as body or head tag or defined tag is missing in HTML" warning shows on every reload #22
Every time I save a watched file, my page reloads, but in VS code the warning appears "Live Reload is not possible as body or head tag or defined tag is missing in HTML". I have to close the warning every time (very annoying) and there is no option to disable this warning.
Live Server extension depends on the package.
In short: params
are sent from Live Server to live-server. params
includes callback that shows message Live Reload is not possible without a head or body tag.
If your code imports any file with extension "", ".html", ".htm", ".xhtml", ".php", ".svg"
and the file does not have any of the tags </body>, </svg>, </head>
, this message is shown.
If you are annoyed with this PopUpMsg: open Live Server extension source code in vscode (on Windows C:\Users\your-user\.vscode\extensions\ritwickdey.liveserver-5.7.9
) -> file appModel.js
-> change:
// from
let params = Helper_1.Helper.generateParams(pathInfos.rootPath, workspacePath, () => {
// to empty callback
let params = Helper_1.Helper.generateParams(pathInfos.rootPath, workspacePath, () => {});
// or to this if you want to log this message instead of seeing a popup
// before "class AppModel {" add
const out = vscode_1.window.createOutputChannel("Live Server 5.7.9");
// change params to
let params = Helper_1.Helper.generateParams(pathInfos.rootPath, workspacePath, () => {
out.appendLine('Live Reload is not possible without a head or body tag.');
Save the changes -> in your project where you Go Live
hit Ctrl+Shift+P
or View -> Command Pallette...
-> type Developer: Reload Window
to re-sync the extensions -> click Go Live
and see this or nothing depending on which callback you have chosen in the previous step:
You would likely also want to disable Auto Update of this extension in order to keep the changed logic.
All behaviour is based on this code (excerpts from various parts):
// ==========================
// in Live Server appModel.js
class AppModel {
// ...
tagMissedCallback() {
this.showPopUpMsg('Live Reload is not possible without a head or body tag.', null, true);
Golive(pathUri) {
// ...
let params = Helper_1.Helper.generateParams(pathInfos.rootPath, workspacePath, () => {
LiveServerHelper_1.LiveServerHelper.StartServer(params, ...)
// ...
// ...
// ==========================
// in Live Server LiveServerHelper.js
let ServerInstance = require('live-server').start(params);
// ==========================
// in live-server index.js
function staticServer(root, onTagMissedCallback) {
return function (req, res, next) {
// ...
var injectCandidates = [
new RegExp("</body>", "i"),
new RegExp("</svg>"),
new RegExp("</head>", "i")
function file(filepath /*, stat*/) {
var x = path.extname(filepath).toLocaleLowerCase(), match, possibleExtensions = ["", ".html", ".htm", ".xhtml", ".php", ".svg"];
// ...
var contents = fs.readFileSync(filepath, "utf8");
for (var i = 0; i < injectCandidates.length; ++i) {
match = injectCandidates[i].exec(contents);
if (match) {
injectTag = match[0];
if (!injectTag && onTagMissedCallback) {
// ...
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