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Angela Teyvi
Angela Teyvi

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Optional Chaining in JavaScript: Pros, Cons, and Best Practices

As a new developer, navigating through code written by senior devs can be challenging. While exploring a codebase, I encountered the ?. operator - optional chaining - which piqued my curiosity. This led me to dive deeper into the topic and create a comprehensive blogpost.

Ever tried accessing a property on an object that’s buried several levels deep, only to find yourself writing a bunch of if statements just to avoid errors? Yeah, it can get pretty messy. Traditional methods for handling these deeply nested objects are often verbose and a pain to maintain.

Enter optional chaining (?.), a nifty feature that landed in ECMAScript 2020 (ES11). This cool feature makes dealing with null or undefined values a breeze. Instead of cluttering your code with checks and balances, optional chaining lets you access nested properties without breaking a sweat or crashing your app. It’s a game changer for cleaner, more readable code. Let’s dive into what optional chaining is, how it works, and why you should consider using it.

What is Optional Chaining?

Definition: Optional chaining is like having a safety net for accessing properties in objects. It lets you get to those deep, nested properties without having to verify each level of the object for null or undefined values. This feature is especially handy when you’re not sure if a property exists at every level of the hierarchy.

const value = object?.property?.subProperty;
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const user = {
  name: "Alice",
  address: {
    city: "Wonderland",
    postalCode: {
      code: "12345"

console.log(user?.address?.city); // "Wonderland"
console.log(user?.contact?.email); // undefined (no error)
console.log(user?.address?.postalCode?.code); // "12345"
console.log(user?.address?.postalCode?.country); // undefined (no error)
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In this example, without optional chaining, you would need to check each level of the object to avoid errors:

const postalCode = user && user.address && user.address.postalCode ? user.address.postalCode.code : undefined;
console.log(postalCode); // "12345"
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Optional chaining simplifies this to:

const postalCode = user?.address?.postalCode?.code;
console.log(postalCode); // "12345"
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Pros and Cons Optional Chaining (?.):


Simplifies Code: Reduces the need for multiple if statements to check for null or undefined values.
Readability: Makes code easier to read and understand by removing unnecessary checks.
Error Prevention: Prevents runtime errors that occur when accessing properties of null or undefined.


Browser Support: Optional chaining is not supported in all browsers, particularly older ones. Transpilation may be required.

Silent Failures: Can mask problems by returning undefined silently, which might lead to hard-to-debug issues if not handled properly.

Best Practices

Know Your Data: Understand the structure of your objects and the possible values they might hold to decide when to use optional chaining .
Use with Care: Avoid overusing these features, as they can sometimes mask issues in your code that should be explicitly handled.
Transpilation: If you need to support older browsers, use tools like Babel to transpile your code.


In my next blog post I will expand on the following topics
Performance Considerations: To discuss any performance implications of using optional chaining compared to traditional null checking.
Comparison with Alternatives: Compare optional chaining with other techniques for handling nested objects, such as the nullish coalescing operator (??) or destructuring.
And finally, Common Pitfalls: Expanding on potential issues that developers might encounter when using optional chaining.
Resources for Further Reading
MDN Web Docs — Optional Chaining

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