In the final part of our series on RxJS operators we welcome Zack DeRose, senior engineer at Nrwl, back to the show to learn about multicasting, error handling and utility operators. To kick things off we do a quick recap of hot vs cold Observables, unicast vs multicast, and then the Subject class as well as a few of its child-classes.
You might be wondering, "What is a multicasted Observable; Why would I want that; and what is the implication for my application?" In short, the multicast operators provide the functionality to create a multicasted Observable (duh! and huh?). The complexity and confusion usually arise around what operators to choose from. Why would I choose publish() over shareReplay()? And, what about ref counting? Don't worry - panelists Aaron Frost, Brian Love, and Jennifer Wadella, along with our esteemed guest Zack, answer these very questions.
We then go into detail on error handling in RxJS and the various operators for error handling, from catchError() to throwError(), and everything in between. Finally, we talk through various utility operators such as tap() and delay().
While you don't need to have listened to the first 3 episodes on RxJS operators in this series to enjoy this episode, we do recommend you check them out if you haven't already. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a single episode of the Angular Show!
Show Notes:
WTF is a cold observable:
DeRose Hpothesis on Code Complexity:
Connect with us:
Brian F Love - @brian_love
Aaron Frost - @aaronfrost
Jennifer Wadella - @likeOMGitsFEDAY
Zack DeRose - @zackderose