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Aniket Ambore
Aniket Ambore

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Clipboard Monitoring for Bitcoin Addresses in Flutter


Hello, and welcome to this tutorial article! In this article, I'll guide you through the process of implementing clipboard monitoring in a Flutter app. You'll learn how to watch the device clipboard and take actions based on the clipboard data.


Use Case

Have you ever wondered how Bitcoin wallets detect copied addresses and prompt you when you open another wallet? We'll be implementing exactly that functionality in this article.

Clipboard Dialog

This is what you'll learn to implement in this article.

Getting Started

Let's begin!

First, create a new Flutter project:

flutter create watching_clipboard_demo
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After creating the project, open the pubspec.yaml file and add the following dependencies:

    sdk: flutter
  clipboard_watcher: ^0.2.0
  rxdart: ^0.27.7
  shared_preferences: ^2.2.2
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Here's what each dependency helps you with:

  • clipboard_watcher: A Flutter plugin for listening to clipboard changes. Useful for detecting changes in the clipboard.

  • rxdart: RxDart is a reactive functional programming library for Dart. It provides a set of reactive extensions for Dart streams.

  • shared_preferences: Shared Preferences plugin for Flutter, providing a persistent key-value store for simple data storage.

After adding the dependencies, run flutter pub get to fetch them.

Clipboard Manager Implementation:

Now, let's create a new file inside the lib folder named clipboard_manager.dart and add the following code:

import 'package:clipboard_watcher/clipboard_watcher.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';

// 1
class ClipboardManager extends ClipboardListener {
  // 2
  String? _lastFromAppClip;

  // 3
  static const String LAST_CLIPPING_PREFERENCES_KEY = "lastClipping";

  // 4
  final _clipboardController = BehaviorSubject<String>();
  Stream<String> get clipboardStream =>
      .where((content) => content != _lastFromAppClip);

  ClipboardManager() {
    print('[+] Initiating ClipboardManager');

    // 5
    var sharedPreferences = SharedPreferences.getInstance();

    // 6
    sharedPreferences.then((preferences) {
      // 7
      _lastFromAppClip =
      // 8
          .add(preferences.getString(LAST_CLIPPING_PREFERENCES_KEY) ?? "");
      print("[+] Last clipping: $_lastFromAppClip");
      // 9
    // 10
    // 11

  void fetchClipboard(SharedPreferences preferences) {
    // TODO: Implement fetchClipboard

  Future<void> setClipboardText(String text) async {
    // TODO: Implement setClipboardText

  // 12
  void onClipboardChanged() {
    print("[+] Clipboard changed");
    // 13
    SharedPreferences.getInstance().then((preferences) {
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In this code, we're performing the following steps:

  1. The ClipboardManager class extends ClipboardListener to capture clipboard change events.
  2. _lastFromAppClip stores the last clipboard content copied from inside our app.
  3. Keys used for storing and retrieving clipboard content in SharedPreferences.
  4. Controller for managing clipboard content stream.

Inside the ClipboardManager constructor, we're:

  1. Retriving the SharedPreferences instance.
  2. Handling the SharedPreferences instance when available.
  3. Retrieving the last clipboard content copied from inside the app.
  4. Adding the last clipboard content to the stream.
  5. Fetch the clipboard content.
  6. Adding ClipboardListener to detect clipboard changes.
  7. Starting to listen for clipboard changes.
  8. Overriding onClipboardChanged method to handle clipboard change events.
  9. Getting the SharedPreferences instance and fetching clipboard content.

One thing I want you to understand is the approach behind _lastFromAppClip, LAST_CLIPPING_PREFERENCES_KEY, and LAST_FROM_APP_CLIPPING_PREFERENCES_KEY. When the user copies a bitcoin address from inside our app (referred to as "from app clipping"), we don't want to show the Clipboard dialog because that content is copied within the app. Displaying the dialog for content copied within the app is considered a bug.

That's why in the clipboardStream, we're discarding all elements that are not equal to the content copied within the app (_lastFromAppClip).

Let's move on to implement fetchClipboard method by locating // TODO: Implement fetchClipboard and replacing it with the following code as:

  void fetchClipboard(SharedPreferences preferences) {
    print("[+] Fetching clipboard");
    // 1
    Clipboard.getData('text/plain').then((clipboardData) {
      // 2
      final text = clipboardData?.text;
      print('[+] Clipboard text: $text');
      // 3
      if (text != null) {
        // 4
        // 5
        preferences.setString(LAST_CLIPPING_PREFERENCES_KEY, text);
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The above method retrieves the current content of the clipboard using the Clipboard.getData method from the flutter/services.dart package. If the clipboard contains text data, it is added to the _clipboardController stream and stored in SharedPreferences for future reference. Here we're:

  1. Using the Clipboard.getData method to retrieve clipboard data of type 'text/plain'.
  2. Extracting the text content from the clipboard data.
  3. Checking if the text content is not null.
  4. Adding the text content to the _clipboardController stream.
  5. Storing the text content in SharedPreferences under the specified key.

Main App Implementation

Now, let's move on to the main.dart file and replace the default counter app Flutter example with the following code:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:watching_clipboard_demo/clipboard_manager.dart';

void main() {

  // 1
  final clipboardManager = ClipboardManager();
      home: ClipboardWatcherApp(
        clipboardManager: clipboardManager,

class ClipboardWatcherApp extends StatefulWidget {
  const ClipboardWatcherApp({
    required this.clipboardManager,
  final ClipboardManager clipboardManager;

  State<ClipboardWatcherApp> createState() => _ClipboardWatcherAppState();

class _ClipboardWatcherAppState extends State<ClipboardWatcherApp> {
  // 2
  String copiedBitcoinAddress = '';

  void initState() {
    // 3

  // 4
  void _startClipboardWatching() {
    // TODO: Implement _startClipboardWatching

  // 5
  bool isBitcoinAddress(String address) {
    // TODO: Implement isBitcoinAddress
    // This method should perform Bitcoin address validation.
    // Return true if the address is a valid Bitcoin address, false otherwise.
    return true;

  // 6
  void _showBitcoinAddressDialog(String bitcoinAddress) {
      context: context,
      builder: (BuildContext context) {
        return AlertDialog(
          title: const Text("Clipboard"),
          content: const Text(
              "You have a Bitcoin address on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?"),
          actions: [
              onPressed: () {
              child: const Text("Cancel"),
              onPressed: () {
                setState(() => copiedBitcoinAddress = bitcoinAddress);
                Navigator.of(context).pop(); // Close the dialog
              child: const Text("Continue"),

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // 7
    return Scaffold(
      body: Center(
        child: Container(
          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16),
          child: Column(
            children: [
              const Icon(
                size: 100,
                style: const TextStyle(
                  fontSize: 18,
                  fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In this code:

  1. We initialize ClipboardManager to listen for clipboard changes.
  2. A variable to store the last copied Bitcoin address.
  3. We start watching the clipboard when the app starts.
  4. A method to start watching the clipboard for Bitcoin addresses.
  5. A method to check if the given string is a Bitcoin address.
  6. A method to show a dialog when a Bitcoin address is detected in the clipboard.
  7. We build the main screen with a Bitcoin icon and the copied Bitcoin address.

Now, let's run the app and observe the simple screen with the Bitcoin icon in the center.

Main Screen

Address Validation

Now, let's implement the isBitcoinAddress method in main.dart by locating // TODO: Implement isBitcoinAddress and replace it with the following code:

  bool isBitcoinAddress(String address) {
    // Implement your Bitcoin address validation logic here
    // Check if the provided address matches the Bitcoin address pattern
    return address.startsWith('bc1');
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In this isBitcoinAddress method, I'm checking if the address starts with bc1 to determine if it's in segwit or bech32 address format. However, you can use appropriate regex or a Bitcoin package for a more comprehensive validation based on your specific requirements.

Clipboard Watching

Next, let's implement the _startClipboardWatching method by locating // TODO: Implement _startClipboardWatching and replacing it with the following code:

  void _startClipboardWatching() {
    print("[+] _watchingIncoming");

    // 1
    widget.clipboardManager.clipboardStream.distinct().skip(1).listen((data) {
      // 2
      if (isBitcoinAddress(data)) {
        // 3
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The _startClipboardWatching method starts watching the clipboard for Bitcoin addresses. Here's a breakdown:

  1. Subscribe to the clipboard stream provided by the ClipboardManager.
    • Use distinct() to filter out consecutive identical clipboard content.
    • Use skip(1) to skip the initial content when the app starts.
    • Use listen() to react to changes in the clipboard content.
  2. Checking if the clipboard content is a Bitcoin address.
  3. If it is a Bitcoin address, show a dialog to the user.

You maybe thinking why I used skip(1) here?

Well, the purpose of skip(1) operator is used to skip the initial value emitted by the clipboard stream when the app starts. And the reason of using skip(1) is because when the app initializes, the clipboard may already contain some content. If the app doesn't skip the initial value, it might trigger unnecessary actions based on the current clipboard content at the app's launch. By using skip(1), we ensure that the app only react to changes in the clipboard content after the app has started.

Great! With this, we're almost done. Now, run the app again. Copy a Bitcoin address from another app, then open the app. You will see the dialog as shown below:

Clipboard Dialog

Click on "Continue" in the dialog, and the main screen will update accordingly:

Main Screen Updated

Final Demo

Homework and Conclusion

Fantastic! Everything is in place. The only thing left is the setClipboardText method of ClipboardManager, and that is your homework. Try to implement it. Additionally, create a simple widget on the main screen displaying a hardcoded Bitcoin address and a copy button. Clicking on the copy button should copy the Bitcoin address to the clipboard. If the dialog is shown, your implementation is incorrect. If the dialog is not shown, everything is right.

The homework solution will be available on the GitHub repo of this article here.

If you have questions or want to connect and share your experiences, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter, Nostr, or LinkedIn.

Thank you for joining me. ⚡🌊

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