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Ankush Garg
Ankush Garg

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5 Game-Changing Killer Habits to Level Up Your Life!

I used to be a bookworm until 12th grade, but then life happened—Instagram, facebook, Twitter, and every other app feeding us endless info. Reading took a backseat. But on my 24th birthday, a friend gifted me this book, and I was instantly hooked! I finished it in just 2 hours—yes, it was that good! Keep reading for my review of this amazing book that could transform so many lives!

"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." — Benjamin Franklin

The first chapter taught me that waking up early is the best way to achieve anything. Many successful people wake up early. Using tools like smart alarms, to-do lists, and calendars can help you have a productive day. Going to bed early helps us feel more rested and then we wake up early too. A survey by Amerisleep found that early risers, particularly those waking up at 4 a.m., report higher productivity levels. Approximately 71% of individuals who wake up at 4 a.m. consider themselves highly productive, compared to 48.6% of late risers.

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." — Mahatma Gandhi

The second chapter made me realize that the things we buy don’t make people respect us. Real respect comes from giving things like time or money to help others or even a helping hand. Volunteering makes us feel good and helps us too to build skills to talk and connect with others on a humane level without expecting anything in return from others. The joy of giving is unmatchable. A study published in Social Science & Medicine found that individuals who volunteer, even for just one hour a week, experience slower biological aging. The research indicated that retirees benefit the most, with increased volunteering leading to greater health impacts.

"The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready." — Henry David Thoreau

The third chapter taught me that traveling alone teaches us to enjoy small things and helps us see life from new angles. It helps us learn important lessons and answers some of life’s big questions. It is the perfect opportunity to look inward and better understand ourselves. Keeping a journal to reflect on your thoughts during the trip and those realisations that come in quiet moments are often life changing!

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one." — George R.R. Martin

In the fourth Chapter the author Mr. Sree Krishna talks that we have only one life, but reading the stories of great people can let us live many lives. By reading their stories, we can learn from their experiences and ideas, and it’s like having friends but from their stories! I think every child should be introduced to books from the moment he starts reading. I am also of the opposing view that while exploring the lives of remarkable individuals can be motivating, it isn't the only or the most effective way to understand life. Engaging in real-life experiences and having direct interactions often provide deeper lessons than what books can offer. At times an over imaginative person may become overly focused on idolizing historical figures, which could create a lot of unrealistic expectations and standards for their own lives which if not fulfilled could also lead to mental health issues.

"I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." — Albert Einstein

The last chapter talks about the importance of always staying curious about everything. The chapter taught me that smart people learn from everyone, average people learn from their own experiences, and people who think they know everything don’t learn much. Before pointing fingers at other people we must first learn to evaluate our mistakes and shortcomings. Staying curious helps you understand life better.

The book was a fun to read and easily understandable book, I loved reading it! Looking Forward to the upcoming publications Mr. Seelam!

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