DEV Community

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😁 Join my community of technical writers and open source developers

Anmol Baranwal on June 17, 2024

A community of Developers by Developers! We all can agree that being a part of a good community can lead to exponential growth. I love the DEV co...
best_codes profile image
Best Codes β€’

The invite link is broken for me. :(

Can you fix it? I want to come back!

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal β€’

It should work:

I've set it to never expire.

best_codes profile image
Best Codes β€’

Opera error

It turns out it was just my Cloudflare DNS blocking it. Strange.

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal β€’

Cheers to building a great community πŸ₯‚

By the way, a huge shoutout to Chrissy (@cbid2) for joining it before the launch lol.

cbid2 profile image
Christine Belzie β€’

Anytime @anmolbaranwal! 😊

m__mdy__m profile image
genix β€’

I would love to help your community, But I wish you would start this community in Telegram!

Of course, this is just an opinion :)

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal β€’

It's on Discord because I'm most active there and there are lots of reputable communities. Telegram doesn't seem professional and I rarely use it!

m__mdy__m profile image
genix β€’

Why doesn't it look professional? Is there a problem?

Of course, I will be a member of your community in the future :)

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at β€’

Joined your community! I always love to contribute to open-source! So count me on that!
I hope this community can grow fast!

Antonio, CEO & Founder at

jitendrachoudhary profile image
Jitendra Choudhary β€’ β€’ Edited

I'm in

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal β€’

Yay! Let's go :)