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Why Audit Logs Matter

We at Cerbos just launched Cerbos Hub Audit Logs in beta. Audit logs are an important feature to have in place, so we wanted to take this opportunity to chat through the details.

What are audit logs

High-level - audit logs are records of authorization checks. Meaning that audit logs provide information about who tried to do what (within an app), when they tried to do that, and if the action was allowed or denied.

Why are audit logs important

Without audit logs in place you can run into several critical issues, ranging from inability to achieve compliance to security incidents. Without audit logs, inefficiencies occur as well. Some examples are - difficulties debugging, and low quality visibility into user behavior within your app.

Cerbos audit logs

Cerbos is an authorization implementation and management solution. We know just how how critical audit logs are.

The Cerbos PDP (open source solution) Audit Logs have been around for a while. Cerbos PDP Audit Logs collect records of every action, decision, and change.

Today, we launched Audit Logs for our commercial solution, Cerbos Hub. Cerbos Hub Audit Logs collect all of the Cerbos PDP Audit Logs into a single view, that is customizable. This makes it easy to analyze your logs. Therefore, allowing you to achieve accountability and compliance more easily.

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If you have any questions about audit logs in general, or the Cerbos Hub Audit logs feature - let us know, we'd be more than happy to provide more details!

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