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How I demonstrated Growth Mindset Recently.

One of the main reasons people succeed is having a growth mindset. When you think that something is very hard and do not give it more of your effort, it usually turns out to make you feel bad. However, if you find something to be very hard to you, but do not let it put you down, by working hard; even the result you will get from that challenge will help you grow.

Recently, as mentioned in my previous blog post "WITW honed my technical skills via challenges" that I and my colleagues were granted an opportunity to be Andela interns, where we acquired so many skills related to programming. That opportunity shaped me up in my growth mindset in the following ways:

• In the beginning, I was not aware of the tools to use in programming, but the enthusiasm led me to learn more and improved my skills. Eagerness to learn new things is having a growth mindset; contrary to a person with fixed mindset.

• During the simulated boot camp and the workshop, I met so many challenges and was afraid that I will not be able to overcome them, even though that required me to give in more efforts, which I did with a determination and was able to overcome them.

• If not with perseverance and persistence, I would have given up with the challenges. Nevertheless, I realized that the more you face challenges, the more you grow in your programming skills.

• As a key to reach to success, there should be focus in whatever you commit to do. I had to commit on doing better the next time, which helped me to continue.

• The feedback I received from my LFA (Learning Facilitator) or kind of an evaluator helped me to improve. I embraced all the feedback and tried my best to work on them, which I would not have done when I had a fixed mindset. I had to know that I did not have to let my failure to meet the expectation should not stop me to do better the next time.

As every developer, we had better know that having so many errors in our codes does not have to put us down or stop us from moving on. That way, we will be having a growth mindset. In addition, even if you meet the expectation, you still need to do better than that, because you will be learning and growing in your skills as well. Lastly, do not allow a blocker or many blockers stop you from continuing.

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