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Cover image for Retro themed snake game with live highscore board!

Retro themed snake game with live highscore board!

Anom Chakravorty (he/him) on April 28, 2022

Overview of My Submission Snake Arcade is a retro themed snake game with a live highscore board. I took this inspiration from the popul...
moose_said profile image
Mostafa Said

Great job with this one! Awesome work

anomic30 profile image
Anom Chakravorty (he/him)

Thank you 😀

anomic30 profile image
Anom Chakravorty (he/him) • Edited

Please leave a comment here if you have played the game yet, along with your player name.

anshles profile image
Ansh Saini • Edited

The game seems great. But I think you should make it a little more secure. Right now I can open the network tab, see your requests and make any changes to high scores that I wish to. I can even edit other player's scores. (I have not done that though don't worry).
Image description

anomic30 profile image
Anom Chakravorty (he/him)

Hey thanks for letting me know :) I fixed this issue.

luccabiagi profile image
Lucca Biagi de Paula Prado • Edited

I Think that it isn't entirely fixed, as I still managed to post one (the Lucca with 100000 points) one possible way to fix that would be on start of every game create some type of One time password, and validate if is valid on each post. I think that this would prevent things like that.

But really nice job tho!

Thread Thread
luccabiagi profile image
Lucca Biagi de Paula Prado

Just tested, it is still possible to patch past scores!

Thread Thread
anomic30 profile image
Anom Chakravorty (he/him)

Lets connect on Discord and try to fix it. My id: Mav#8994

anomic30 profile image
Anom Chakravorty (he/him)

Woah! Congrats!
Thanks for the feedback :)

haimantika profile image
haimantika mitra

How cool! 🤩

P.S: We would love to have you in our Appwrite discord server, if not already!

anomic30 profile image
Anom Chakravorty (he/him)

Thank you so much 😀
I am already in the Appwrite Discord server.

haimantika profile image
haimantika mitra

Amazing! :D

8bitsouvik profile image
Souvik Mandal

This one is 🔥🔥🔥

anomic30 profile image
Anom Chakravorty (he/him)

Thank you Souvik 😀

rohitraje786 profile image
Rohit Patil

Did it cost you to deploy the app on digital ocean?

anomic30 profile image
Anom Chakravorty (he/him)

You get $100 for 60days when you sign up for DigitalOcean.