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DPS909 Blog: Release 0.4-Planning

Hey everyone, thanks for reading my Blog post.


In release0.4 we are asked to add a feature to an open source project.


For Release 0.4 I have decided to use all the skills which I have learned in this course.
And try to add new feature with those skills in an open sources project.
I have decided to add the Linter to the open source project which I worked on during Release 0.2 which is Basic-memory-game.

I have created the new issue with the description about the new feature and my plan to implement it.

Adding the linter

Linters help us spot "silly" mistakes that all programmers make, or help us avoid certain code patterns that often lead to bugs. We want to make it easy for ourselves and new developers joining our project to not introduce bugs or bad code.
I will use ESlint

And i will Create a simple "one-step" solution for running your formatter and the linter on the entire project from the command line. This could be an npm script.


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