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Anthony Hagidimitriou
Anthony Hagidimitriou

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How I made pagination easy

We've all been there. We have some data to show in a list or a grid on a page, but it becomes too long or too much to show all at once. What can we do about it? Well, the simplest solution to this would be to split it up into separate pages. Let's break down exactly what we need to do.

Example of pagination with a large button on the left "previous", pages 1 to 5 with 3 selected, and another large button on the right "next"

Based on the image above, we have three distinct parts that we need to figure out. The "previous" page link, the "next" page link and the page numbers in the center that should be shown to the user.

The data structure

Let's first start by defining our data structure:

type Page = {
  type: "page";
  href: string;
  label: string;
  current?: boolean | undefined;

type Gap = { type: "gap" };

type PaginationLinks = {
  previous: string | undefined;
  list: (Page | Gap)[];
  next: string | undefined;
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The PaginationLinks type will be our representation of the final object returned. The previous and next attributes will be relative URLs (e.g /store/popular?page=3). The list attribute will contain either pages that we can render or gaps that can be expressed as an ellipse (e.g. ...) to show a break between the adjacent pages and the start/ending pages (e.g. 1, 2, ..., 5, 6, 7).

Now that we have a clearly defined data structure, let's set up the skeleton of our function that will generate the final object.

The generating function

type PaginationLinksParams = { url: URL; totalPages: number };

export function generatePaginationLinks({
}: PaginationLinksParams): PaginationLinks {
  // There's no reason to handle an invalid number of pages OR if the total
  // number of pages is 0.
  if (totalPages <= 0) {
    throw new Error("Total number of pages must be greater than 0");

  // Our actual logic will go here soon

  return { previous: undefined, next: undefined, list: [] };
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To give a quick summary of the function, we bring in the current URL and the total number of pages. The current URL gives us the base of the relative URLs we need to make, as well as getting the current page number (if it is present).

Now that we have a function to generate our final links, let's find out the current page number so that we can generate the previous and next links.

function getCurrentPage(url: URL, totalPages: number): number {
  const unvalidatedPage = url.searchParams.get("page");
  const page = parseInt(unvalidatedPage ?? "1");

  if (isNaN(page)) {
    throw new Error(
      `The 'page' passed in is not a valid number: ${unvalidatedPage}`
  } else if (page > totalPages) {
    throw new Error(
      "The current page should not be larger than the total number of pages"
  } else if (page <= 0) {
    throw new Error("The current page should not be smaller or equal to 0");

  return page;
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The getCurrentPage function does some nice things for us. It first gets the current page as an integer OR defaults to page number 1. It then makes sure that it is a valid number and lies within the bounds that we expect (e.g. page 1-10).

Using a default page is just a small helper for when we are on the first page (e.g. /store/popular) and want to show it implicitly.

Since this function is now defined, we can finally use it within our generatePaginationLinks function as shown below:

export function generatePaginationLinks({
}: PaginationLinksParams): PaginationLinks {
  // ...

  const currentPage = getCurrentPage(url, totalPages);

  return { previous: undefined, next: undefined, list: [] };
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So, what will we do with the current page? We'll create a function to generate our next and previous links.

type PreviousPageParams = { type: "previous"; url: URL; currentPage: number };

type NextPageParams = {
  type: "next";
  url: URL;
  currentPage: number;
  totalPages: number;

type AdjacentPageParams = PreviousPageParams | NextPageParams;

function getAdjacentPage(params: AdjacentPageParams): string | undefined {
  // We need to make a copy of the URL so that any changes made to the
  // query string, do not affect any other instances (due to shared
  // memory pointers).
  const url = new URL(params.url);
  const currentPage = params.currentPage;

  // Make sure that we do not generate any invalid URLs based on the current
  // page number (e.g. we lie within the bounds of 0 and the total number
  // of pages).
  if (params.type === "next" && currentPage >= params.totalPages) {
    return undefined;
  } else if (params.type === "previous" && currentPage <= 1) {
    return undefined;

  if (params.type === "next") {
    url.searchParams.set("page", (currentPage + 1).toString());
  } else if (params.type === "previous") {
    url.searchParams.set("page", (currentPage - 1).toString());

  return `${url.pathname}?${url.searchParams.toString()}`;
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Since there's a little bit more involved here, let's break this down into individual parts.

The AdjacentPageParams type helps us determine which parameters are required to generate the previous page OR the next page. By using a common type key, it helps us narrow down which one we want to make as well as accessing the correct parameters (through the use of type hints).

Within the actual function, we use the type key to check which link we are generating so that we can do the appropriate checks. An example of this is the check for whether the current page is less than 1 for the previous link. Once we've finally verified that the page we want is going to be valid, we can return the relative URL with the new page number set.

Let's now add this to our generatePaginationLinks function:

export function generatePaginationLinks({
}: PaginationLinksParams): PaginationLinks {
  // ...

  const currentPage = getCurrentPage(url, totalPages);

  const previous = getAdjacentPage({ type: "previous", url, currentPage });
  const next = getAdjacentPage({ type: "next", url, currentPage, totalPages });

  return { previous, next, list: [] };
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We can now remove the explicit undefined from the returned object since we have the previous and next link generating!

Before we can start generating our list of links, we will be needing a helper function to minimise boilerplate code. This function will help with generating a page object to show within the list. This function is as follows:

type PageParams = { url: URL; page: number; current?: boolean | undefined };

function getPage(params: PageParams): Page {
  const url = new URL(params.url);

  return {
    type: "page",
    href: `${url.pathname}?${url.searchParams.toString()}`,
    label: `${}`,
    current: params.current,
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Now that we have our helper function, we can now make the list of links. Let's break this down to keep it simple.

type PageListParams = { url: URL; currentPage: number; totalPages: number };

function getPageList(params: PageListParams): (Page | Gap)[] {
  return [];
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Within this function, we want to take in the URL (so we know how to generate the relative pages), the current page and the total number of pages to stay within our bounds.

The first page we will add is the current page we are on. This page can be added simply as follows:

function getPageList(params: PageListParams): (Page | Gap)[] {
  const { url, currentPage: page } = params;

  const adjacentLinks: (Page | Gap)[] = [
    getPage({ url, page, current: true })

  return adjacentLinks;
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Pretty simple, hey?

Let's add in the previous two and next two links (so currentPage - 1, currentPage - 2, currentPage + 1 and currentPage + 2).

function getPageList(params: PageListParams): (Page | Gap)[] {
  const { url, currentPage: page, totalPages: total } = params;

  const adjacentLinks: (Page | Gap)[] = [
    ...(page - 2 > 0 ? [getPage({ url, page: page - 2 })] : []),
    ...(page - 1 > 0 ? [getPage({ url, page: page - 1 })] : []),

    getPage({ url, page, current: true }),

    ...(page + 1 <= total ? [getPage({ url, page: page + 1 })] : []),
    ...(page + 2 <= total ? [getPage({ url, page: page + 2 })] : []),

  return adjacentLinks;
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Now, this looks really complicated but it really isn't. What we're doing is first checking "should we add the page?" (yes if we are within the bounds of 1-total) and then, we just spread the sub array into the top level array. This saves us from running a filter over all the elements to filter out undefined or null.

I have some more good news for you. It doesn't get more complicated than what I've just shown you.

We can now add in the initial two pages and the final two pages, as well as the 'gap' or ellipsis between the initial/final pages and the relative center pages:

function getPageList(params: PageListParams): (Page | Gap)[] {
  const { url, currentPage: page, totalPages: total } = params;

  const adjacentLinks: (Page | Gap)[] = [
    // Show first 2 initial pages if we have room and a gap after these pages
    // to seperate against the middle or "adjacent" pages.
    ...(page > 3 ? [getPage({ url, page: 1 })] : []),
    ...(page > 4 ? [getPage({ url, page: 2 })] : []),
    ...(page > 5 ? [{ type: "gap" as const }] : []),

    ...(page - 2 > 0 ? [getPage({ url, page: page - 2 })] : []),
    ...(page - 1 > 0 ? [getPage({ url, page: page - 1 })] : []),

    getPage({ url, page, current: true }),

    ...(page + 1 <= total ? [getPage({ url, page: page + 1 })] : []),
    ...(page + 2 <= total ? [getPage({ url, page: page + 2 })] : []),

    // Show the gap between the adjacent pages and the final pages
    ...(page < total - 4 ? [{ type: "gap" as const }] : []),
    ...(page < total - 3 ? [getPage({ url, page: total - 1 })] : []),
    ...(page < total - 2 ? [getPage({ url, page: total })] : []),

  return adjacentLinks;
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This is all that needs to be done to generate the adjacent links for the list, while also not getting any overlaps (e.g. duplicates) or potential boundary issues.

So to finally finish this pagination generation function, we can add a call in the exported function as follows:

export function generatePaginationLinks({
}: PaginationLinksParams): PaginationLinks {
  // ...

  const currentPage = getCurrentPage(url, totalPages);

  const previous = getAdjacentPage({ type: "previous", url, currentPage });
  const next = getAdjacentPage({ type: "next", url, currentPage, totalPages });

  const list = getPageList({ url, currentPage, totalPages });

  return { previous, next, list };
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That's it! You now have a pagination function that you can use within your templates or front-end frameworks.

The full code is available on GitHub below:

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