DEV Community

Michael Muscat
Michael Muscat

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Turn a Directive Into a Fragment

You probably shouldn't do this. It's a bad idea. So anyway here's the code.

export class Fragment {

  constructor() {
    this.nativeElement = inject(ElementRef).nativeElement;
    this.comment = document.createComment(
      ` ${Object.getPrototypeOf(this)} `

  ngAfterViewInit() {
    const { nativeElement, comment } = this;
    const parent = nativeElement.parentElement;
    this.childNodes = Array.from(nativeElement.childNodes)
    parent.insertBefore(comment, nativeElement);
    for (const node of this.childNodes) {
      parent.insertBefore(node, nativeElement);

  ngOnDestroy() {
    for (const node of this.childNodes) {
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This will replace the host element of a directive with whatever is inside it. It even leaves a nice little comment behind.

To see how it's used let's create a provider that will pass through values from the template.

  selector: 'MyProvider',
export class MyProvider extends Fragment {
  @Input() value;
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We're using TitleCase here to distinguish it from rendered DOM elements. Remember that Angular selectors are case sensitive.

Now we can import the directive and use it in a template.

<MyProvider [value]="name">
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The hello component can then inject the provider to read its value.

  selector: 'hello',
  template: `<h1>Hello {{provider.value}}!</h1>`,
  styles: [`h1 { font-family: Lato; }`],
export class HelloComponent {
  provider = inject(MyProvider);
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See it in action on StackBlitz

When we look at the DOM we can see that the host element is replaced with a HTML comment.

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Is This a Good Idea?

Probably not. All it does is add some sugar to <ng-container> in a not-very efficient way. There are probably other side effects I'm not aware of.

Can you think of a use case?

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