Thanks to everyone who comments, reacts or does anything that lets me know you're out there! Knowing people are watching even a little bit keeps me honest and is motivation to keep going!
Today I created a simple test view for my character sheet. First I had to write the initial schema for the character classes and races, then I created a test character to display.
// router/characters/index.js
router.get("/create-test", async (req, res) => {
let race = await req.context.models.Race.create({
name: "Test",
stats: {
abilityMods: {
strength: 0,
dexterity: 1,
constitution: 0,
intelligence: 1,
wisdom: 0,
charisma: 0
speed: 30,
size: "medium"
let player = await req.context.models.Player.findOne({
email: ""
let charClass = await req.context.models.Class.create({
name: "test",
stats: {
abilityMods: {
strength: 2,
dexterity: 0,
constitution: 0,
intelligence: 0,
wisdom: 0,
charisma: 0
let character = await req.context.models.Character.create({
shortName: "Zii",
longName: "Zii",
Description: "Zii",
urlSlug: "",
stats: {
abilities: {
strength: 8,
dexterity: 8,
constitution: 8,
intelligence: 8,
wisdom: 8,
charisma: 8
speed: 30,
proficiencyBonus: 2
Next I wrote a very basic view showing the name and ability scores of a character.
// router/characters/index.js
router.get("/:id", async (req, res) => {
req.context.models.Character.findOne({ _id: }).then(
async result => {
if (result == null) res.redirect("/404");
res.render("characterSheet", {
data: {
character: result,
player: await req.context.models.Player.findOne({
_id: result.player
// views/characterSheet.ejs
<h1><%= data.character.longName %></h1>
<h2><%= data.player.username %></h2>
<p><%= data.character.stats.abilities.strength %></p>
<p><%= data.character.stats.abilities.dexterity %></p>
<p><%= data.character.stats.abilities.constitution %></p>
<p><%= data.character.stats.abilities.intelligence %></p>
<p><%= data.character.stats.abilities.wisdom %></p>
<p><%= data.character.stats.abilities.charisma %><
It feels great to to finally see some data populate to the screen, even on this simple view!
[100days] The DND Character Sheet App
This is the first project of my 100 days of coding This is an app to keep D&D character sheets.
I'll be using Node.js and building a full-stack Express app with MongoDB.
Minimum Viable
Present a D&D Character Sheet
- The sheet should display all the same info as the first page of the 5e Official sheet.
- Users should be able to log in and create player-characters.
- Users should be able to edit character sheets.
- Users should be able to organize character sheets into groups (parties/tables)
Sheets should auto calculate basic stats like ability modifiers
- Support Proficiency Bonuses
Extend character creation to allow the user to use any of the three common stat gen methods
- Point Buy
- Standard Array
- Roll
- Extend the character sheet to all the info in the 5e official sheet.
- Allow for image uploads for character portraits.
- Allow forβ¦
The First project will be an app to keep D&D character sheets.
I'll be using Node.js and building a full-stack Express app with MongoDB.
Minimum Viable
- [ ] Present a D&D Character Sheet
- [ ] The sheet should display all the same info as the first page of the 5e Official sheet.
- [ ] Users should be able to log in and create player-characters.
- [ ] Users should be able to edit character sheets.
- [ ] Users should be able to organize character sheets into groups (parties/tables)
- [ ] Sheets should auto calculate basic stats like ability modifiers.
- [ ] Support Proficiency Bonuses
- [ ] Extend character creation to allow the user to use any of the three common stat gen methods.
- [ ] Point Buy
- [ ] Standard Array
- [ ] Roll
- [ ] Extend the character sheet to all the info in the 5e official sheet.
- [ ] Allow for image uploads for character portraits.
- [ ] Allow for extended descriptions/backstories.
- [ ] Characters should have nice full page backstories.
- [ ] Preferably use a markdown editor.
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