DEV Community

Arash Jangali
Arash Jangali

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Day 112 of #365DaysOfCode & Day 12 of #100DaysOfPython

Google OAuth 2.0 is done and dusted! Today, I successfully completed establishing distinct paths for both signing in and signing up for different user types in my application. The process now is a lot more streamlined and user-friendly.

When a user attempts to log in, the system first verifies their presence in the database. If the user is found, they’re immediately redirected to a set of secret pages. However, if the user is not found in the database, they’re gently nudged to sign up instead.

The sign-up process is also designed to be straightforward and efficient. It begins by checking the database for the user’s email. If it doesn’t find a match, the system creates an account for the user and immediately redirects them to the onboarding component. Here, the user can create their profile in their own time and at their own pace.

With Google OAuth 2.0 out of the way, I’m contemplating what to work on next. One potential feature I’m considering is a user search function based on preferences. It’s not a pressing feature to have, but it would definitely add value to the user experience.

Now, onto Python. Well, I didn’t exactly write code today, but I did watch some Python tutorials. Not quite the same as hands-on coding, I know, but it still counts as learning, right? Each tutorial brings me a step closer to becoming more proficient in Python, which is the ultimate goal.

That’s it for today! Another day of tackling new challenges and solving problems. As always, I’m looking forward to what tomorrow’s coding journey will bring.

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