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Arash Jangali
Arash Jangali

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How I'm Enhancing Contractr: New Features and Brainstorming for Effective User Matching

Today marks Day 79 of my #100DaysOfCode challenge, and I'm excited to share my progress on the Contractr project. Over the past few days, I've been working on adding some new features to the app that will make it even more useful for users.
One update I made was to the chat header, which now displays the profile image and the name of the logged-in user, which will come in handy for the matching functionality, which is the next big task on my to-do list.
Speaking of matching, I've been brainstorming ideas for how to implement it in a way that will be both fun and effective for users. One idea I had was to include a search feature, where users can search for specific keywords (like "developer") and the app will return potential matches based on those keywords. However, I've decided to hold off on this feature for now and focus on getting the basic matching functionality up and running.
While working on the project, I've realized that the more I struggle with a problem, the more creative I become and the more I learn. I love the challenge of building something from scratch and seeing it come to life.
I'm excited to see what the future holds for the Contractr project and for my coding journey in general. Stay tuned for more updates and progress reports as I continue on this exciting path of learning and growth.

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