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Arash Jangali
Arash Jangali

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Implementing Google OAuth 2.0 Authentication for Multiple User Types in Your Web App

105 of #365DaysOfCode

In today's modern web applications, implementing a secure and user-friendly authentication system is essential. One popular method for handling user authentication is OAuth 2.0, which allows users to sign in with their existing Google account. In this blog post, I will share my experience implementing separate Google OAuth 2.0 strategies for multiple user types in a web application using Passport.js.

Setting Up Passport.js:

To get started with Google OAuth 2.0 authentication, we first need to set up Passport.js, an authentication middleware for Node.js. I initialized Passport.js and the required session middleware.

Serializing and Deserializing Users:

Passport.js requires defining how the user object should be stored in the session and how to retrieve it. For this purpose, we need to implement the serializeUser and deserializeUser functions.

In my case, I had two user types: User and Client. I had to determine which type of user was being authenticated and store their unique identifier and type in the session.

Implementing Separate GoogleStrategy Instances:

Next, I created separate GoogleStrategy instances for each user type using the passport.use() method. This allowed me to customize the authentication process for each user type and store their respective information in the database.

I followed a similar approach for the Client type, with a different callback URL and strategy name.

Setting Up Authentication Routes:

Finally, I set up the necessary authentication routes for both user types. These routes handle initiating the authentication process and handling the callback from Google after successful authentication.

I followed a similar approach for the Client type, with different route paths and strategy names.

Implementing separate Google OAuth 2.0 authentication strategies for multiple user types can be achieved using Passport.js and its flexible configuration options. This allows developers to tailor the authentication process for each user type, ensuring a secure and seamless experience for users signing in with their Google accounts.


Day 5 of #100DaysOfPython & #100DaysOfCode: Today, as a part of Angela Yu's Python Pro Bootcamp course, I wrote code for a pizza order program and a love calculator. According to my calculations, I should be hopeful. 😄

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