DEV Community

Arash Jangali
Arash Jangali

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Mastering OAuth in React and Building Foundations with Python

Today, I worked on an issue in my React project related to Google OAuth authentication. The challenge was to render appropriate components based on a user’s authentication status. By making an HTTP GET request to “/auth/user” endpoint on the backend, I fetched the user data. If the session was authenticated, the server returned the user’s data; otherwise, a ‘401 Unauthenticated’ status was dispatched.

On a different note, I’ve been keeping up with my Python studies. It’s been pretty basic so far, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s like building a house; you have to lay down a solid foundation first. So I’m investing time in these foundational concepts, knowing it’ll all come together down the road as I start diving into the complex stuff. There’s something exciting about learning all these bits and pieces and anticipating when I’ll start putting them together. Just goes to show, there’s no shortcut to really learning a language — programming or otherwise!

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