DEV Community

Arash Jangali
Arash Jangali

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Planning Ahead: Goals for the Week

Hey everyone! It's Day 97 of my #100DaysOfCode challenge, and today I decided to switch things up a bit. Instead of diving into my main project, I shifted my focus to my blockchain course project and tackled some LeetCode problems. It was a refreshing change of pace!
Looking ahead, I've outlined a clear plan for the upcoming week. Here's what's on the agenda:

  1. Fine-tuning the Undo Functionality: After successfully implementing it for one user type, I'm confident that extending the undo functionality to the other user type will be a smooth process.

  2. Add the functionality for the like and unlike buttons, following a similar logic.

  3. Removing Matches Permanently: It's time to tackle the task of permanently removing matches, ensuring they don't appear in the user's swipe cards anymore.

  4. Integrating Google OAuth and User Preferences: To further enhance the app's functionality, I'll be working on implementing Google OAuth for seamless sign-up and sign-in.
    Additionally, I'll work on user preference-based filtering to provide a personalized experience.

While the last two tasks mentioned in point 4 might take some additional time beyond this week, I'll try to complete them soon.

Wishing you all an incredible week ahead filled with exciting coding adventures! Stay tuned for more updates on my journey.

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