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Old School Loops in JavaScript - for loop and forEach

Arbaoui Mehdi on October 02, 2019

In general, if we've got a list of elements, and we want to get each element from this list, or in other words if we want to iterate over the eleme...
genuinerex profile image
Rex Bloom

Breaking and returning from a for loop is tempting, but error prone. Using Functional techniques is a much better solution and leads to cleaner more testable code. Use .find to retrieve the first matching element. Closures are not a serious overhead concern that we should avoid them to conserve memory.

I agree with Michael, while loops should be avoided.

I personally cannot remember the last time I used while and for.

But to each their own. You have to maintain and read your code so write it however you want!

mmikowski profile image
Michael S. Mikowski • Edited

Thanks for the post!

After using many loop techniques, I've simply reverted to 'for' loops for most purposes. They are simple and well understood, hardly more verbose, and perform better than forEach loops due to less memory use, less overhead (no closures!) and the ability to break. The first two benefits are relatively small, but the ability to cleanly break out of a large collection on a first match can make a big difference.

Btw, IMO, always use 'for' loops instead of 'while' loops. The latter are very prone to becoming endless loops when logic changes. I've removed all while loops from all my recent code for this reason.

There are instances where forEach style closures make sense when running async code. But even then, it sure would be better to have jQuery 'each' behavior which actually worked (e.g. returning false did break the loop).

emertola profile image

I'm fascinated with your editor. what do you use?

arbaoui_mehdi profile image
Arbaoui Mehdi

I'm using VSCode as an Editor, plus Quokka as an extension that shows the live results of the console.log

josemoreira profile image
José Moreira

what is your theme?

Thread Thread
arbaoui_mehdi profile image
Arbaoui Mehdi
emertola profile image

Awesome. Will install that one. Thanks

learnwithparam profile image
Paramanantham Harrison

What theme is this? It’s looks nice.
How do you record this gif/video?

arbaoui_mehdi profile image
Arbaoui Mehdi

The theme I'm using is Cobalt2 Theme for VS Code, and for creating GIFs I'm using Screenflow for creating first the screencast, then I export it to gif.

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦

It appears you are using Wallby.js
I have rarely seen anyone use it but I think it is cool. Sadly it's not compatible with MacVim.

I would love to hear your day to day experience with it.

arbaoui_mehdi profile image
Arbaoui Mehdi

To be honest I'm not using a lot in my day to day work, except if I'm creating a video tutorial or if I'm playing with data structures for a specific problem.