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Developers, Why Coding? πŸ€”

Arjun Vijay Prakash on February 24, 2024

Why are you doing this? Is it for money? Is it for respect? The fun of solving problems? Whatever it is, I don’t judge. Every reason...
anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal β€’

I code these days to solve a problem whose solution isn't anywhere on the internet.
Absolutely nowhere.

arjuncodess profile image
Arjun Vijay Prakash β€’

That's even better.

Coding becomes especially rewarding when tackling "unique" problems that require "creative solutions."

This motivation I believe is the greatest of all.

raulcornejo profile image
The Latino CTO β€’

Interestingly enough, years ago I also came across Sinek's Golden circle...and to be honest, what he says is also part of many other Agile Books.

But without noticing I started doing the same questions when gathering requirements and other parts of our CICD process. Made it much easier for everyone to understand WHY in the hell they were doing what they were doing.

I might come with a topic about that soon.

arjuncodess profile image
Arjun Vijay Prakash β€’

That's fascinating!

mistval profile image
Randall β€’

I started coding because it was fun. Now my relationship with it is a lot more complex, but I still basically do it because I like it.

arjuncodess profile image
Arjun Vijay Prakash β€’


Well, finding joy in what you do is invaluable.

spekkiodancer profile image
spekkiodancer β€’

What keeps me going is to keep certain projects alive and create things that no one has done before like creating a full expansion rom hack for donkey kong country 2. Sometimes, open source projects get purchased or abandoned. I want to save them by contributingand persevering them. I'll admit that sometimes I get burnt-out, and I feel imposter syndrome all the time; however, I remember why I got into coding to begin with. Money is part of it of course, but a big part is to keep things alive and have a medium to channel my logic into languages.

arjuncodess profile image
Arjun Vijay Prakash β€’

This speaks volumes about your passion towards this career option.

Yeah, burnout and imposter syndrome are common obstacles in the coding journey, but reminding yourself of your initial motivations should help pave the way.

Money is part of it of course, but a big part is to keep things alive and have a medium to channel my logic into languages.

Of course. That is what coding really is.

jenesh profile image
Jenesh Napit β€’

Your "why" can change and evolve. If you're interested in coding and solving problems, that is a great thing, but if you're in it to make money without the passion, you might have a more challenging time.

Remember, "coding" is just a skill/tool you have; you can use and enjoy your skills and tools as you please.

arjuncodess profile image
Arjun Vijay Prakash β€’


Thank you for sharing your insight!

ontowhee profile image
ontowhee β€’

Thanks for introducing me to The Golden Circle! I really enjoyed this post.

I struggled with "Why" and was pretty miserable for some time. Fortunately, I'm rediscovering the joy of being a software engineer again. Coding is one small part of it. I I enjoy collaborating with my coworkers, each one contributing a different set of expertise and knowledge to the overall project. Not everything goes smoothly all the time, but I find a lot of pride knowing that I can tag team with my co-workers to work through challenges and help bring a project to completion.

arjuncodess profile image
Arjun Vijay Prakash β€’

You're very welcome!

Oh yea, the rewarding feeling!

We are developers, ofcourse we don't complete our previous projects before getting on to the next one.

Of course, bringing projects to completion is something to take pride in.

Thanks for sharing your journey.

arjuncodess profile image
Arjun Vijay Prakash β€’

Thank you for sharing your journey!

It's fascinating how small interests can lead us down unexpected paths.

Wishing you success in your future projects.