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Discussion on: I'm Ruby/Rails Developer and love it, Ask Me Anything!

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Ark Shraier • Edited

Previously I worked with PHP. Elixir and Crystal are great candidates to learn.

When somebody asking me about good/best language, usually I'm saying that good developer should learn new language every year. Just be curious and open for new ideas.

Let's go deeper than frameworks names, they're all MVCs, so in every framework you'll have routes, controllers, views, business logic.
So what is the difference between them: language syntax, WTF/minute factor,
documentation(books), community etc.
Besides, you have Postgresql/Mysql for persistence, Redis for structure storage, caching etc.
Conclusion: language/framework itself is only a part of equation.

Rails is not hype anymore, but it's robust and I love working with it. It's developer friendly when you understand how Ruby OOP/metaprogramming works. Otherwise you may feel that everything works using black and white magick :)