Favorite Episodes
What happened in 2020?
- A year of PM land
- Streaming fun with Shuffleboard (and a little DevOps). Check out the Royal Palms Shuffleboard Shufflinsanity, or look at some shuff.io livestreams.
- Virtual conferencing!
- A doggo (Friday)
- Jessitron, LLC
- Cut my hair
- Last Keynote Codebeam March 7&8 last talk with Avdi
- systemsthinking.dev
- I planned to travel less. Sorry for causing (points to everything).
- Fewer events but playing with the pre-record format
- Got a new gaming table
- Wrote a book! Operations Anti-Patterns, DevOps Solutions
- Last in-person conference was DevOpsDays NYC
- New job at Red Hat!
- DevOps Party Games
- Took over from Bridget as global chair for devopsdays
- Did “less” speaking this year (“only” 9-10 talks)
90s Sci-Fi Roundup
Joe’s Babylon 5 talk at DevOpsDays Madison 2016
Joe’s Top Babylon 5 Episodes
- Season 1, ep 3: Born to the Purple, Great Londo episode.
- Season 2, ep 20: The Long, Twilight Struggle. End of the Narn/Centauri War. One of the best FX shots of the whole show. One of the best Londo/G’Kar eps.
- Season 3, ep 20: And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place. More good Londo/G’Kar.
- Season 4, ep 14: Moments of Transition. End of the Minbari Civil War. Good Delenn ep, better Neroon ep.
- Season 5, ep 8 Day of the Dead. Duh.
Joe’s Worst Babylon 5 Episodes
- Season 1 ep 10: Believers. Basically Christian Scientists in space. I could have chosen TKO (Bloodsport in Spaaace!) or Infection (“He took a pretty bad hit!"). Believers is super-preachy and it has the pedigree of being written by David Gerrold (wrote the tribbles ep of original recipe Trek)
- Season 2 ep 18: Confessions and Lamentations. A deadly plague threatens the Markab. Another weak Dr. Franklin ep. Also, a deadly plague, read the room B5!
- Season 3 ep 18: Walkabout. Hey, look! It’s Wallace’s mom from Veronica Mars but oh, god, the songs!
- Season 4 ep 10 Racing Mars. Marcus AND Dr. Franklin together on Mars! Nuts and gum, together at last. Honorable mention: The Deconstruction of Falling Stars.
- Season 5 ep 11: Phoenix Rising. Fucking telegoths.