
Artem Poluektov
Artem Poluektov

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iOS development for beginners. Part 2: courses and tutorials

In the first part of this tutorial, I’d made a brief review of the initial requirements and recent technology trends. In this part I would start with a review of two ready-made iOS Development courses and later would also provide you with list of useful resources to get in touch with popular libraries, frameworks, and some other resources widely used by developers. If you’d choose to go only for the ready-made course, be sure to check my list at the end of your study for some topics you could miss.

As I stated in the first part, Ray’s website is a trendy place for the beginners. When I was an iOS developer, I used this website to learn to use new frameworks and new iOS features. The tutorials were easy enough for beginners and very straightforward. However, featured some architectural anti-patterns like writing tons of code in AppDelegate breaking Single-Responsibility principle.

  • many tutorials covering almost every topic you would need
  • new articles every day or two
  • prepared a study paths
  • very detailed tutorials
  • for the very beginners


  • most videos do not feature transcription, so you have to watch it in full
  • some video tutorials are cropped into too small parts
  • wide usage of architectural anti-patterns
  • paid subscription ($19.99 monthly / $179.88 for annual plan)

So, is a pretty good source for beginners and even for junior/middle developers exploring new technologies. However, there are so many other ways to begin.

CS193P by Stanford University

Paul Hegarty works at Stanford University. With the introduction of the first version of Swift in 2014, he started the development of this course. Stanford is one of the world’s top universities in Computer Science, so it features very high-quality mark. Latest version dated Spring 2021 features almost all you need to begin writing code.

  • free
  • provided by the world-class university
  • covers almost every important topic on iOS development including architecture
  • very focused and straightforward


  • features SwiftUI instead of UIKit
  • suitable for people familiar with programming
  • no text transcription

I would go for Stanford as the initial point of the study. It’s free, already approved on many students and provided by one of the world’s top universities. It was also recommended by Craig Federighi, Apple’s SVP on Software Engineering. And by the day you'll complete the course, SwiftUI would become a little [or may be much] more popular.
You’ll find more info here.

Useful resources

This useful resources list is not intended to replace or compete with professionally prepared courses above. Instead, I’m going to focus on real-world app development and introduce you with popular techniques, frameworks, and libraries.

Development language

As I briefly mentioned in the first part of this tutorial, Swift is definitely #1 choice for macOS & iOS app development. And there a lot of official documentation about it.

Interface Builder

The second important step is to get familiar with Interface Builder, the tool which would make your life hundred times easier :) And, I also recommend to use Auto Layout, the technology to build adaptive interfaces for all available devices.

Source control

Every team uses a source control system to keep source code safe from losing it due to technical failures, to be able to move between versions or releases and, of course, to make working together on one project easier. Almost every mobile team today uses Git.

Xcode has a built-in menu to create commits, for pull/push actions. However, some developers prefer SourceTree app for a simpler, more powerful and straightforward interface. Also, sometimes Xcode is getting crazy and throwing some “unknown errors” when you’re trying to commit your code. SourceTree would save you in these situations. You could download this app here for FREE.

There are many online source code storages available free of charge. Most popular are GitHub and BitBucket. For many years GitHub provided only public repositories for free, so that anyone could see all of your code in uncompleted projects, but a few days ago they launched private repositories, so nobody could see your code until you want it. BitBucket also provides you with free private repos at no charge.

Dependency management

Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. If you need to develop a new feature, try to use existing solutions first. There are many frameworks and open-source libraries available for free. The best way to find a library is Google [Surprise :)], which would lead you to either GitHub or StackOverflow and then to GitHub. Here are a few tips on how to choose a library:

  • Check a number of stars on the library’s GitHub page. It’s usually safe to use one with 1000+ stars.
  • Check the latest release date. You don’t want to use an outdated framework. A new iOS releases every September, so the library should be updated for new version around this date.

Popular libraries

There are thousands of libraries available. However, only a few are really useful and popular.

  • Alamofire is number one choice for the client-server app. It makes working with network request extremely easy. Check their GitHub page for beginners guide. Moreover, they have 30K stars :)
  • KeychainAccess is a beautiful and easy-to-use wrapper on Apple’s Keychain framework to provide secure storage for sensitive data such as a user’s password.
  • iOS Charts is a powerful library for drawing almost every chart you’d need in UIKit.
  • Realm is a very fast and easy-to-use alternative to Apple’s Core Data to create an offline database on the device. Check my article on comparing both technologies.

Here you would find a very popular curated list of other great iOS libraries.

If you need help

Go to StackOverflow. It’s the primary resource for getting help on solving developers issues. Try searching first, sure, somebody already had the same problem as you, and he/she got an answer. If no, try to ask politely, and you would get your solution very fast.
Don’t worry, even Senior guys couldn’t know everything. They just know where to find the right solution in the shortest amount of time. So they’re using StackOverflow dozens of times every day.

Preparing for your very first interview

In the next part of this tutorial, I would guide you on preparing for your very first interview, provide you with a checklist of necessary pieces of knowledge and also supply you with some useful tips and tricks.

Continue to Part 3.

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