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arun geek
arun geek

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Angular Interview Questions (5 Years Experience)

  • How does change detection work in Angular? What are the different change detection strategies?
  • Explain the concept of Angular Ivy. What benefits does it bring to Angular applications?
  • What are the key differences between ViewEncapsulation.Emulated and ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom?
  • How would you optimize the performance of a large-scale Angular application? Provide specific techniques and tools.
  • Describe the Angular dependency injection system. How would you create and use a custom injector?
  • What are NgZones in Angular? How can you run code outside of Angular's zone?
  • Explain the concept of content projection in Angular. How would you use multi-slot content projection?
  • How does lazy loading work in Angular? What are the best practices for implementing it?
  • Describe the differences between pure and impure pipes. When would you use each?
  • How would you implement state management in a large Angular application? Compare and contrast different approaches (NgRx, NGXS, Akita, etc.).
  • Explain the concept of Angular schematics. How would you create a custom schematic?
  • How does Angular handle security? Discuss techniques to prevent common web vulnerabilities in Angular applications.
  • What are the different ways to share data between components in Angular? When would you use each approach?
  • How would you test an Angular application? Discuss unit testing, integration testing, and e2e testing approaches.
  • Explain the concept of Angular elements. How would you create and use them?
  • How does server-side rendering (SSR) work in Angular? What are the benefits and challenges of implementing SSR?
  • Describe the Angular compilation process. What are AOT and JIT compilation, and when would you use each?
  • How would you implement internationalization (i18n) in an Angular application?
  • Explain the concept of custom decorators in Angular. Provide an example of when and how you would create one.
  • How would you debug a complex Angular application? What tools and techniques would you use?

Answers explained here in Hindi & English

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