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How to edit a Google Maps in 2024? Adding buildings, addresses, roads and other objects

Hello everyone My name is Alexander Bakalov. My team and I are actively engaged in the development of Google Maps in Mongolia. Based on the results of our work, we decided to prepare instructions that will tell you in detail how you can make changes to Google Maps and add different types of objects.

Editing by Google requires a little preparation, but, in principle, there is nothing complicated here. The article is designed for beginners, so many things are repeated and will tell detailed. Each section of the article is made autonomous so that you can understand the entire context of uploading a specific type of objects from beginning without moving to different parts of the article.

1 - Key types of objects on Google Maps

First, let's look at the types of objects that you will learn how to put on Google Maps. There are several dozen types of objects on the maps themselves, but below I will list the most popular of them.

1 - Car roads (both one-way and with traffic in both directions):

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2 - Buildings:

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3 - Parks, squares and ordinary green areas:

Image description

4 - Walking and cycling paths:

Image description

5 - Parkings:

Image description

6 - Addresses:

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2 - Stages of work

*The work of mapping objects consists of four main stages:

1 - Creating information about the object on Google My Maps. At this stage, we draw the shape of the object, and also fill each object (for example, a house) with the information necessary for loading.

2 - Uploading the database with the object to Google. To do this, we use the Google Maps Content Partners Panel. Here we select the type of object and give Google workers detailed information about exactly how the data should be displayed.

3 - Tracking information during Google verification. During the check, Google support specialists often request various additional information, so you need to be ready for those kind of requests. On average, the check can take from 2 days to several months, depending on the number of objects in the uploaded file.

4 - Checking and fixing information after Google has published it on public Google maps. Google very often publishes information in a different way than we originally sent it. Therefore, it is important to check exactly how the data was published on the public map and correct all the errors that Google made when uploading.

3 - How Google checks the geodata

Google Maps is the most popular mapping service in the world. But, nevertheless, there are a lot of complaints about Google maps. Starting with the fact that even with manual loading of objects, it can freely finish drawing them (using his AI based on satellite images). This makes the process of changes on the map very difficult - they have to be uploaded 2-3 times in order for them to start displaying the way we intended.

Above is an example of how Google mistook a lawn for a building. At the same time, he ignores the large white building coming from the left.

_Above is an example of how Google mistook a lawn for a building. At the same time, he ignores the large white building coming from the left.

Therefore, you need to be prepared for active discussions with the support service and large amount of downloads to the map of the same zone. But despite these difficulties, Google Maps remains one of the most popular maps in the world. Therefore, you need to be able to work with it.

Stop complaining about it, I'd better give you some useful links and practical comments:

1 - Here are the technical requirements and specification for preparing data for downloading Google Maps. Carefully review them before you start collecting information and forming databases.

2 - Types of statuses when processing your upload. After you have uploaded the data to the Google Maps Content Partners Panel, your upload is assigned a status. It may change depending on how the verification of your data is progressing.

The main types of statuses:

- Under review - this means that your download is currently under review. Google can check quickly or slowly. In my experience, first of all it depends on size of your data. If you have uploaded one building, then it can be checked in a day. But several thousand buildings can be checked for months.

- In Use - this means that Google has checked the data and it will soon begin to be displayed on the public map. The data may start to be displayed almost immediately or within 2-3 weeks from the moment this status is assigned. If after 3 weeks the data is not displayed or is not fully displayed, then this is a reason to write to the support.

- Not Used - this means that your data has been rejected. Usually the support service gives the reason for the rejection, but very often the explanation is quite vague. Therefore, do not hesitate to write to the support again and ask for a detailed reason why your download was not accepted.

- Parked - it is my least favorite status. It can be assigned if your data is simply not needed by Google Maps in this region or if Google does not have enough employees to process a large amount of data.

For example, when our team uploaded addresses of one city (several tens of thousands of addresses), Google assigned this status to this download and for 4 months they did not change it, explaining this by the lack of specialists. Then they did take the task to work and changed the status to “Under review”.

3 - This is link where you can create a support ticket. Use this tool as often as possible to speed up your download.

4 - And don't forget to check your email. After your information is verified, Google will send you a notification to the email address that you specified when registering with Content Partners. If you do not answer the question within 2 weeks, as Google has asked, then your download will be automatically rejected and it will be assigned the status "Not Used"

5 - Communicate with the support service of Google in English. Specialists communicate only on this language. If you write in your own language, you run the risk of greatly lengthening the processing time of your data.

4 - Registration in the Google Maps Content Partner panel

So, after the necessary theory, now we can move on to practice. We will start with the mandatory registration in the Google Maps Content Partners Panel.

All data uploads will go through the Content Partners panel - this is a special place where you will need to send geo-information data.

The registration algorithm:

1 - Click on the link and button “Get started”:

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2 - Then you fill out the registration form. Upload data to Google Maps can private and public organizations:

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3 - After completing all the stages, the main panel opens in front of you. Here you can upload information to Google Maps:

Image description

4 - On the tab “My Uploads” you can see all the databases that you previously uploaded to Google Maps. The date of the database download and its current status will be visible there:

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5 - By clicking on any of these lines, you will see detailed information about the upload. Also at the you will see all the questions that you have asked to technical support and the answers from Google specialists:

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6 - For uploading a new database, you will need to click on this section (I will tell you more about the download process below):

Image description

Now you understand what the key sections of the download panel look like.

5 - How to add a building to Google Maps

Now that we have the necessary theory and have an account with Content Partners, we can proceed to uploading objects. Let's start from loading buildings.

*Here is an example of how the building will look on the map:

Image description

Below I will show you in detail two key steps: drawing the perimeter of the object and uploading this information to the Content Partners Panel. These two steps are universal and will be repeated for all types of objects.

5.1 - Create a file with the building in Google My Maps

1 - Click on the link:

2 - Click on the “Create new map” button:

Image description

3 - The map opens in front of us, on which we can put any object. Here you can change the name of the map itself and the name of the feature layer:

Image description

4 - To switch the map to the “Satellite View” format, click here:

Image description

5 - After we need to find the building that we want to put on the map:

Image description

6 - Now we need to click here and select this item:

Image description

7 - Then we draw this building around the perimeter:

Image description

8 - Now we have an object:

Image description

9 - Now write the name for this building. The name doesn't matter, it won't appear in public Google Maps. Name is needed only for your convenience:

Image description

10 - After saving, the name of the object will appear here:

Image description

11 - Now we need to download database with this object

12 - To do this, click here and select “KML/KMZ”:

Image description

13 - Click on this check mark and click “Download”:

Image description

5.2 - Uploading the database to the Content Partners Panel

1 - Go to the Google Maps Content Partners Panel account, which we have already created:

2 - Click here:

Image description

3 - Enter the name of the uploading. It will not appear on Google Maps:

Image description

4 - Next, click on “Data type” and select “Buildings”:

Image description

5 - In this large line, you can give an explanation to the experts who will verify your information. For example, I usually write to them in English and give them links to a resource where they can check my data.


Image description

6 - Then click “Next” and get to the upload step. Click here to select the KML file that we just downloaded from Google My Maps:

Image description

6 - How to add a address to Google Maps

In this part of article, we will look at two types of addresses: if your city is addressing by streets, and also if you have an address system in your city without taking streets (for example, by neighborhoods or house names). The process itself will be a little different here.

On the map it look like this (if the address based on streets):

Image description

Or like this (if the address is not based on streets):

Image description

6.1 - Creating a database with an address in Google My Maps

1 - Click on the link:

2 - Click on the “Create new map” button:

Image description

3 - The map opens in front of us, on which we can put any object. Here you can change the name of the map itself and the name of the feature layer:

Image description

4 - To switch the map to the “Satellite View” format, click here:

Image description

5 - Then we need to find the building to which we want to assign an address (it is best to look for it on the satellite version of the map in order to completely circle the perimeter):

Image description

6 - Now we need to click here and select this item:

Image description

7 - Then we draw this building around the perimeter:

Image description

8 - Now we have an object:

Image description

9 - Now we need to add the necessary address information to the description. You can find a list of required and additional information for downloading the address here (in the section "Address points (Geocodes)")

*10 - Required information for assigning an address to a building are:


--- CITY

--- ZIP


--- ST_NUM

All other values are optional and do not affect the speed of address assignment in any way.

11 - Adding information about the address of the building:

(!) 11.1 - If the addressing system in your city is based on streets, then you need to fill in the data as follows (here is an example):

- your country
- your city
- zipcode of this building
<ST_NAME>Sosnovaya street</ST_NAME> - name os street
<ST_NUM>15</ST_NUM> - number ob building

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In this case, your address on the building will look like this:

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(!) 11.2 - If your addressing system is NOT based on streets (here is an example):

- your country

- your country

- zipcode

<ST_NAME>СБД - 2 - 32</ST_NAME> - full value of address

<ST_NUM>СБД - 2 - 32</ST_NUM> - full value of address (repeat)

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In this case, your address will look like this:

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12 - Then insert the information into this field:

Image description

*13 - In the field of the name of the object, we add:

(!) 13.1 - If your address is based on the streets. Just write the number of the house number:

Image description

13.2 - If your address is NOT based on streets, then write the full name of your address:

Image description

14 - And click “Save”:

Image description

15 - After saving, the name of the object will appear here:

Image description

16 - Now we need to download database with this object

17 - To do this, click here and select “KML/KMZ”:

Image description

18 - Click on this check mark and click “Download”:

Image description

6.2 - Uploading the database to the Content Partners Panel

1 - Go to the Google Maps Content Partners Panel account:

2 - Click here:

Image description

3 - Enter the name of the uploading. It will not appear on Google Maps:

Image description

4 - Next, click on “Data type” and select “Geocodes”:

Image description

5 - In this large line, you can give an explanation to the experts who will verify your information. For example, I usually write to them in English and give them links to a resource where they can check my data.


Image description

6 - Then click “Next” and get to the upload step. Click here to select the KML file that we just downloaded from Google My Maps:

Image description

7 - How to add a car road to Google Maps

This part of article is the most detailed, because the problem of car navigation is the most pressing for navigation. Here we will look at the process of adding and removing various types of roads, as well as changing the direction of traffic on them.

7.1 - Adding an ordinary car road

This kind of road on the map looks like this:

Image description

7.1.1 - Creating a database in Google My Maps

1 - Click on the link:

2 - Click on the “Create new map” button:

Image description

3 - The map opens in front of us, on which we can put any object. Here you can change the name of the map itself and the name of the feature layer:

Image description

4 - To switch the map to the “Satellite View” format, click here:

Image description

5 - Now we need to click here and select this item:

Image description

6 - Next, we draw the road line on the map (it is best to do this on the satellite version, here I showed it on the base map for clarity):

Image description

7 - Next, in this field, you can write the name of this street (if you want the name to be displayed on Google Maps):

Image description

8 - After the map is published, this street name will be displayed like this:

Image description

9 - Now we need to download database with this object

10 - To do this, click here and select “KML/KMZ”:

Image description

11 - Click on this check mark and click “Download”:

Image description

7.1.2 - Uploading the database to the Google Maps Content Partner panel

1 - Go to the Google Maps Content Partners Panel account:

2 - Click here:

Image description

3 - Enter the name of the uploading. It will not appear on Google Maps:

Image description

4 - Next, click on “Data type” and select “Roads”:

Image description

5 - In this large line, you can give an explanation to the experts who will verify your information. For example, I usually write to them in English and give them links to a resource where they can check my data.


Image description

6 - Then click “Next” and get to the upload step. Click here to select the KML file that we just downloaded from Google My Maps:

Image description

7.2 - Adding a road with large number of lines (where there are several lines in each direction)

On the map it looks like this:

Image description

7.2.1 - Creating a database in Google My Maps

1 - Click on the link:

2 - Click on the “Create new map” button:

Image description

3 - The map opens in front of us, on which we can put any object. Here you can change the name of the map itself and the name of the feature layer:

Image description

4 - To switch the map to the “Satellite View” format, click here:

Image description

5 - Now we need to click here and select this item:

Image description

6 - Then draw 2 lines along the desired road section. Thanks to the two lines drawn, Google will understand that there is a wide road here:

Image description

7 - Next, in this field, you can write the name of this street (if you want the name to be displayed on Google Maps):

Image description

8 - After the map is published, this street name will be displayed like this:

Image description

9 - Now we need to download database with this object

10 - To do this, click here and select “KML/KMZ”:

Image description

11 - Click on this check mark and click “Download”:

Image description

7.2.2 - Uploading the database to the Google Maps Content Partner panel

1 - Go to the Google Maps Content Partners Panel account:

2 - Click here:

Image description

3 - Enter the name of the uploading. It will not appear on Google Maps:

Image description

4 - Next, click on “Data type” and select “Roads”:

Image description

5 - In this large line, you can give an explanation to the experts who will verify your information. For example, I usually write to them in English and give them links to a resource where they can check my data.


Image description

6 - Then click “Next” and get to the upload step. Click here to select the KML file that we just downloaded from Google My Maps:

Image description

7.3 - Adding a private road with a closed entrance (with a gate or barrier)

For example, roads on the territory of a hospital or school. On such roads, the entrance is usually closed by a barrier and it is impossible to simply drive from the street to such a road. Fortunately, Google Maps has the ability to pave a special closed road.

When you build your way on Google Maps, this road will be look like this:

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Also note that on the map, the private road will have a slightly different color on the map:

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So, let's move on to the process of creating a closed road. The process of creating a closed road is exactly the same as creating a regular one. But for clarity, we will repeat our algorithm of actions once again.

7.3.1 - Creating a database in Google My Maps

1 - Click on the link:

2 - Click on the “Create new map” button:

Image description

3 - The map opens in front of us, on which we can put any object. Here you can change the name of the map itself and the name of the feature layer:

Image description

4 - To switch the map to the “Satellite View” format, click here:

Image description

5 - Now we need to click here and select this item:

Image description

6 - Then draw the road line on the map:

Image description

7 - Next, in this field, you can write the name of this street (if you want the name to be displayed on Google Maps):

Image description

8 - After the map is published, this street name will be displayed like this:

Image description

9 - Now we need to download database with this object

10 - To do this, click here and select “KML/KMZ”:

Image description

11 - Click on this check mark and click “Download”:

Image description

7.3.2 - Uploading the database to the Google Maps Content Partner panel

1 - Go to the Google Maps Content Partners Panel account:

2 - Click here:

Image description

3 - Enter the name of the uploading. It will not appear on Google Maps:

Image description

4 - Next, click on the item “Data type” and select “Road closures”.

(!) Let me remind you that this is how we designate roads that are blocked by a barrier or gate. An inscription will appear below with an offer to fill out the form. You don't need to fill it out.

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5 - In this line, you can give an explanation to Google experts who will check your information. Let the experts understand why this road is closed (for example, explain that it is closed by a barrier or gate):

Image description

6 - Then click “Next” and get to the upload step. Click here to select the KML file that we just downloaded from Google My Maps:

Image description

7.4 - Changing the direction of the road

Sometimes the city authorities change the directions of roads. In order for the navigator to correctly show the possibility of driving on the road, Google Maps makes it possible to change the directions of roads in the navigator. Below I will explain exactly how this can be done.

Here is an example of a road before and after a change of direction:

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The creation process is completely identical to how we draw the most ordinary road.

7.4.1 - Creating a database in Google My Maps

1 - Click on the link:

2 - Click on the “Create new map” button:

Image description

3 - The map opens in front of us, on which we can put any object. Here you can change the name of the map itself and the name of the feature layer:

Image description

4 - To switch the map to the “Satellite View” format, click here:

Image description

5 - Now we need to click here and select this item:

Image description

6 - Then draw the road line on the map:

Image description

**(!) That's all for now at this stage. **We will perform further actions at the stage of uploading the database.

7 - Now we need to download database with this object

8 - To do this, click here and select “KML/KMZ”:

Image description

9 - Click on this check mark and click “Download”:

Image description

7.4.2 - Uploading the database to the Google Maps Content Partner panel

*(!) It is at this step that we will need to explain to the Google Maps support that we want to change the direction of traffic on the road.

1 - Go to the Google Maps Content Partners Panel account:

2 - Click here:

Image description

3 - Enter the name of the uploading. It will not appear on Google Maps:

Image description

4 - Next, click on the item “Data type” and select “Roads”:

Image description

(!) 5 - At this line, we need to give the most detailed description of how we want to change the direction of the road. You need to write in English. For clarity, you can provide links, as well as attach screenshots and photos:

Image description

6 - Then click “Next” and get to the upload step. Click here to select the KML file that we just downloaded from Google My Maps:

Image description

7.5 - Adding the possibility of turning from one road to another

Often, traffic authorities may prohibit or allow individual turns at intersections. Such updates can also be added to Google Maps. The approach to adding here is similar to the previous paragraph.

Here is an example where a left turn at an intersection was prohibited. The photo shows an example of routing on the navigator before and after our changes:

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7.5.1 - Creating a database in Google My Maps

1 - Click on the link:

2 - Click on the “Create new map” button:

Image description

3 - The map opens in front of us, on which we can put any object. Here you can change the name of the map itself and the name of the feature layer:

Image description

4 - To switch the map to the “Satellite View” format, click here:

Image description

5 - Now we need to click here and select this item:

Image description

6 - Then we need to find a road that has the wrong direction and draw a line along the entire road:

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(!) That's all for now at this stage. We will perform further actions (!) at the stage of uploading this turn to Google.

7 - Now we need to download database with this object

8 - To do this, click here and select “KML/KMZ”:

Image description

9 - Click on this check mark and click “Download”:

Image description

7.5.2 - Uploading the database to the Google Maps Content Partner panel

*(!) This is where we will need to explain to the Google Maps support that we want to delete the opportunity to turn.

1 - Go to the Google Maps Content Partners Panel account:

2 - Click here:

Image description

3 - Enter the name of the uploading. It will not appear on Google Maps:

Image description

4 - Next, click on the item “Data type” and select “Roads”:

Image description

(!) 5 - At this point, we need to give the most detailed description of what we want to change. Write in English. For clarity, you can provide links and attach screenshots.

For example, I will write: “when moving from east to west along Mira Avenue, turning right (south) onto Olympic Street is forbidden”

Image description

6 - Then click “Next” and get to the upload step. Click here to select the KML file that we just downloaded from Google My Maps:

Image description

7.6 - How to delete road from Google Maps?

To delete a road, we will need to draw a line along this road and then explain to Google specialists at the upload stage that we want to delete it.

7.6.1 - Creating a database in Google My Maps

1 - Click on the link:

2 - Click on the “Create new map” button:

Image description

3 - The map opens in front of us, on which we can put any object. Here you can change the name of the map itself and the name of the feature layer:

Image description

4 - To switch the map to the “Satellite View” format, click here:

Image description

5 - Now we need to click here and select this item:

Image description

6 - Then we need to find a road, which we want to delete:

Image description

(!) That's all for now at this stage. We will perform further actions (!) at the stage of uploading this database to Google.

7 - Now we need to download database with this object

8 - To do this, click here and select “KML/KMZ”:

Image description

9 - Click on this check mark and click “Download”:

Image description

7.6.2 - Uploading the database to the Google Maps Content Partner panel

(!) It is at this stage that we will need to explain to the Google Maps specialists that we want to remove part of this road.

1 - Go to the Google Maps Content Partners Panel account:

2 - Click here:

Image description

3 - Enter the name of the uploading. It will not appear on Google Maps:

Image description

4 - Next, click on the item “Data type” and select “Roads”:

Image description

(!) 5 - At this point, we need to text that we want to delete this part of road for the reason that this road does not exist now. You need to write in English. For clarity, you can attach links and screenshots:

Image description

6 - Then click “Next” and get to the upload step. Click here to select the KML file that we just downloaded from Google My Maps:

Image description

8 - How to add a park or green area to Google Maps

In this part of article, you will know how to make the map more beautiful by adding urban greenery. The effect can be like this:

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8.1 - Creating a database in Google My Maps

1 - Click on the link:

2 - Click on the “Create new map” button:

Image description

3 - The map opens in front of us, on which we can put any object. Here you can change the name of the map itself and the name of the feature layer:

Image description

4 - To switch the map to the “Satellite View” format, click here:

Image description

5 - After that, we find a green area or a park that is not on the Google Maps now:

Image description

6 - Now we need to click here and select this item:

Image description

7 - Then we draw this area around the perimeter:

Image description

8 - Now we have an object:

Image description

9 - Write the name of the object. The name doesn't matter, it won't appear anywhere, it's just for your convenience:

Image description

10 - After saving, the name of the object will appear here:

Image description

11 - Now we need to download database with this object

12 - To do this, click here and select “KML/KMZ”:

Image description

13 - Click on this check mark and click “Download”:

Image description

8.2 - Uploading the database to the Google Maps Content Partner panel

1 - Go to the Google Maps Content Partners Panel account, which we have already created:

2 - Click here:

Image description

3 - Enter the name of the uploading. It will not appear on Google Maps:

Image description

4 - Next, click on “Data type” and select “Parks”:

Image description

5 - In this large line, you can give an explanation to the experts who will verify your information. For example, I usually write to them in English and give them links to a resource where they can check my data.


Image description

6 - Then click “Next” and get to the upload step. Click here to select the KML file that we just downloaded from Google My Maps:

Image description

9 - Adding walkways and trails to Google Maps

In this part of article, I will show you how to add trails and walkways that only pedestrians can walk. I also note that bike roads can be added using a similar algorithm.

On the map it looks like this:

Image description

9.1 - Creating a database in Google My Maps

1 - Click on the link:

2 - Click on the “Create new map” button:

Image description

3 - The map opens in front of us, on which we can put any object. Here you can change the name of the map itself and the name of the feature layer:

Image description

4 - To switch the map to the “Satellite View” format, click here:

Image description

5 - Now we need to click here and select this item:

Image description

6 - Then draw the walkway line on the map and save it as an object:

Image description

7 - Now we need to download database with this object

8 - To do this, click here and select “KML/KMZ”:

Image description

9 - Click on this check mark and click “Download”:

Image description

9.2 - Uploading the database to the Google Maps Content Partner panel

1 - Go to the Google Maps Content Partners Panel account, which we have already created:

2 - Click here:

Image description

3 - Enter the name of the uploading. It will not appear on Google Maps:

Image description

4 - Next, click on “Data type” and select “Trails”:

Image description

5 - In this large line, you can give an explanation to the experts who will verify your information. For example, I usually write to them in English and give them links to a resource where they can check my data.


Image description

6 - Then click “Next” and get to the upload step. Click here to select the KML file that we just downloaded from Google My Maps:

Image description

10 - Adding parkings on Google Maps

In this paragraph, I will show you how to add parking on Google Maps. But at the beginning, I will explain that I recommend adding parking lots with two types of objects at once:

1 - A shape that encircles the perimeter of the parking lot:

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2 - As a POI (point of interest):

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This is a very important point that needs to be clarified at the very beginning. Drawing the perimeter of the parking lot allows you to see it well on the map.

POI icon allows a person to quickly find the right parking using a Google Maps search line. Here is an example of how you can see a lot of parking lots in a Google Maps search by simply typing the word "Parking":

Image description

That is why it is important to load both types of these objects.

10.1 - Create a parking file in Google My Maps

1 - Click on the link:

2 - Click on the “Create new map” button:

Image description

3 - The map opens in front of us, on which we can put any object. Here you can change the name of the map itself and the name of the feature layer:

Image description

4 - To switch the map to the “Satellite View” format, click here:

Image description

5 - Now we need to click here and select this item:

Image description

6 - After that, we find a parking lot that is not on the map:

Image description

7 - We draw this parking area around the perimeter:

Image description

8 - Now we have an object:

Image description

9 - Write the name of the object. In the case of parking lots, the name will be displayed on the Google Maps, so keep this point in mind. Also in the description. you can add the name of the parking lot in the local language.

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Another very important point. There are open and closed parking lots (for example, parking on the territory of a business center). So that people can navigate and understand whether it is an open parking lot or a private one, we prescribe two types of parking in advance: private parking and usual parking.

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Thanks to this, a person immediately sees the type of parking:

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10 - After saving, the name of the object will appear here:

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11 - But that's not all. Now we need to create a POI (point of interest) for the same parking lot. To do this, click here:

Image description

12 - Then just click on the parking area. Now we have a point of interest (POI):

Image description

13 - Name and description you need to do exactly the same as you did earlier for the parking perimeter:

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14 - Then save this POI:

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15 - Both types of objects (parking perimeter and POI) must be on the same layer:

Image description

16 - Now we need to download database with this object

17 - To do this, click here and select “KML/KMZ”:

Image description

18 - Click on this check mark and click “Download”:

Image description

10.2 - Uploading the database to the Google Maps Content Partner panel

1 - Go to the Google Maps Content Partners Panel account, which we have already created:

2 - Click here:

Image description

3 - Enter the name of the uploading. It will not appear on Google Maps:

Image description

4 - Next, click on “Data type” and select “Other”:

Image description

(!) 5 - Be sure to write here that you are loading parking lots. If necessary, add additional information about parking lots:

Image description

6 - Then click “Next” and get to the upload step. Click here to select the KML file that we just downloaded from Google My Maps:

Image description

11 - Add the company to Google Maps (category points of interests)

Google Maps allows you to massively add individual organizations using the Content Partners Panel. This can be useful for cartographic departments of cities and regions if they need to add many organizations at the same time. For example, for mass uploading to the map of district administrations, schools, kindergartens and other facilities.

There are two ways to add on the map infrastructure objects: through a map (KML file) and by uploading a excel-table with special parameters. Below I will describe to you the algorithm of working with the map. But if you are interested in the second download method, then read more here.

11.1 - Create a file in Google My Maps

1 - Click on the link:

2 - Click on the “Create new map” button:

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3 - The map opens in front of us, on which we can put any object. Here you can change the name of the map itself and the name of the feature layer:

Image description

4 - To switch the map to the “Satellite View” format, click here:

Image description

5 - Then we need to find on the map the location of the object that we want to add:

Image description

6 - Now we need to choose this item and after that to click on the location of this company. We recommend putting this point near the door through which you can enter the premises of this organization (this way it will be more convenient for people to find an entrance):

Image description

7 - Then we write the name of this object and its category (for example, the category “kindergartens"). You can also enter here a version of the name of the object in both local and English:

Image description

8 - After we save this POI:

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9 - Now we need to download database with this object

10 - To do this, click here and select “KML/KMZ”:

Image description

11 - Click on this check mark and click “Download”:

Image description

11.2 - Uploading the database to the Google Maps Content Partners Panel

1 - Go to the Google Maps Content Partners Panel account, which we have already created:

2 - Click here:

Image description

3 - Enter the name of the uploading. It will not appear on Google Maps:

Image description

4 - Next, click on “Data type” and select “Points of interests”:

Image description

(!) 5 - Be sure to write here that you are loading parking lots. If necessary, add additional information about parking lots:

Image description

6 - Then click “Next” and get to the upload step. Click here to select the KML file that we just downloaded from Google My Maps:

Image description

12 - How do I delete object from Google Maps?

The principles of deletion are similar to the principles of adding new object on the Google Maps:

1 - You need to fully show the shape of the object which you want to delete (for example, draw it around the perimeter)

2 - Then upload to Google via the Content Partners Panel and explain why this object should be removed from the map

3 - Google workers will check your information and delete it

You can find an example in paragraph 7.6 of this article, where I showed an example of how to remove a road from Google Maps

13 - How to add other types of objects to Google Maps

As I wrote at the beginning, you can add a lot of objects to Google Maps. It makes no sense to list them all here, because the purpose of this article is to show the principles of working with the Content Partners Panel and Google My Maps. You can find the requirements for various objects in the help information from Google Maps.

I hope this article helped you understand the meaning of working with Google Maps Content Partners and taught you how to add key objects to a Google map. If you have any questions, please contact me on social media.

*If you have any questions about the article, write to me: Alexander Bakalov

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