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Is there any need to learn HTML for mastering JavaScript?

To become a master in JavaScript you need a perfect roadmap to follow. We all know that to become a successful web developer JavaScript is must. If you want to learn more about web development you can go for web development courses in Delhi.

What is JavaScript?
JavaScript is most used programming language because it is lightweight, dynamic and open-source. It is developed by Brendan Eich at Netscape. JavaScript is used to add interactivity to the web. And to adding JavaScript we need a UI design.

What type of language HTML is?
For UI designing learn HTML is must. HTML Creates a static page with some content in it. Learning about Hypertext Markup language is the first step to become a front -end developer. There are many elements and attributes which help in building modern website structure. And also in the current version of HTML which is HTML5 has more advance element. Those elements are known as semantic elements like , , etc.

Learn web designing with experts by pursuing web design courses in Delhi.

After making a structure add CSS in It. CSS is a designing language, it has many properties which help in designing web pages like color, images, fonts, and many more. We can also make website responsive by using CSS. The current version of CSS is CSS3. In CSS3 there are various amazing properties which can make your website unique and modern like text-shadow, font family, flex box, transition, animations and many more.

If you want to learn HTML and CSS at professional level then must go for HTML5 and CSS3 training institute in Delhi.

JavaScript linking in HTML file
Now we need JavaScript. There are two ways for linking JavaScript in HTML file. These are as follows:
First, here is a very basic syntax for writing JavaScript using the script tag. We can use script tag direct into HTML page. Let`s see an example:

  document.write("Hello world!");

Second, we have an option for making another file for JavaScript code and in the next example we will see how to link that file into HTML document.

After linking file you can use any function and element of JavaScript and covert that static web page into a dynamic website.

Quick tips for mastering JavaScript
To become a master in JavaScript, there are some quick tips you should follow:
 Start learning with basic concepts like variable, data-type, functions, array, loops etc.
 Then learn about some concepts like Regex, scope, this function, Es6 and move step by step.
 Keep doing hand on practice and not copy and paste the code.
 Build mini projects like CRUD Application, Stopwatch, calculator and many more because building projects is the best way to do practice.
 Keep updated you with new trends.

So, yes learning HTML is important to become master in JavaScript. Having good knowledge about UI designing will help to understand the JavaScript easily. After learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript you can become a web design, front-end developer, UI/UX designer, and many more. If you want to learn JavaScript you can go for JavaScript course in Delhi and make yourself prepared for the industry.

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