DEV Community

Discussion on: The Dos and Don’ts of Feature Flags

asinkxcoswt profile image
Pipat Sampaokit

Awsome post. I am interested in maintaining a database version to be compatible with multiple version of application. it would be great if you will write more post about this. it is the are I am stuck for longtime. Do you have multiple version of app and database deployed together in the test env and have the testers to test each version combinations? Is it up to the developer to make the backward compatibility happen or is there some tool or methodology to help? Should I bundle database migration script such as flyway or liquibase with the application so that the database schema is upgrade when the application is deployed, or should I have a separate deployment pipeline to upgrade db?

thanks in advance 🥰

split-blog profile image
Split Blog

Ngaww: Sorry for the slow reply... we thought we had notifications set up right but alas, no! There are indeed tips for working with databases.

Here is a post Talia Nassi wrote in June on this very topic:

Again, sorry for the delay on the reply... I'll work out a way to stay more on top of them!
/dtk (Dave Karow - CD Evangelist @ Split)

asinkxcoswt profile image
Pipat Sampaokit

hi, please don't worry, I appreciate that you take time help me finding the answer 😊

davekarow profile image
Dave Karow • Edited

Update: I ported the blog I mentioned in the above comment over to, so it's here now: