DEV Community

Ali Spittel
Ali Spittel

Posted on

Nevertheless, Ali Coded

Nevertheless, Ali coded... and wrote about it online.

Latest comments (100)

arbolitoloco profile image
Laura Rocha Prado

Thank you for making these evident. This is the primary reason I use a masculine sounding screen name for everything.

I noticed in one of the replies that you were wondering how many women post tutorials online, because you've found none. I wonder if men will get what is the reason for that now. All of this gives me more fuel to start doing it, you know?

Representation matters, and I'm sure some girl, somewhere, will be inspired by us if we keep showing up. But it absolutely sucks that we have to go through this. I'm so sorry, you have my solidarity.

patel_himanshu profile image
Himanshu Patel

I feel really bad that you have to deal with such types of sexist people on a regular basis, who do not appreciate the hard work you regularly put in your works. I truly appreciate your contributions to the dev community and respect you even more after knowing about all these.

Stay strong and always maintain that positive attitude.


sebbdk profile image
Sebastian Vargr

People are funny' like that.
Here's a random quote.

“Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias as it fell was Oh no, not again. Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why the bowl of petunias had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the Universe than we do now.”

-Douglas Adams

martinbean profile image
Martin Bean

Reading that made my skin crawl. I’m sorry you—and other women in this industry—have to put up with crap like that just because you chose to pursue the same career as a man.

michaelbrave profile image
Mike Brave

this was painful to read, I'm sorry that people are like this. I can kind of see what they were trying to do, an attempt at a compliment, a hope to start a conversation with someone they find attractive, but all of that felt off, like every mention of looks was like that was all they saw...

ltrademark profile image

I don't think I've ever *YIKES*ed so hard in my life

those "comments" though 😬

caticatt profile image
Alex Ferreira • Edited

Thank you Ali! 💪🏽

caruso profile image
Giuseppe Caruso

That's super sad. Thanks for putting it in light once again.
Just yesterday was speaking about it explaining that when I spot these "guys" I remember them that the "L" in the SOLID principle stands for Barbara Liskov, and her substitution principle.
Thank you for being so strong to ignore them and pushing forward with your work.

kuyaker profile image

You're marvelous Ali, :) just ignore them. Keep coding and sharing! you help us people like me a lot! and that's the thing that matters. Sorry for my english haha I'm trying haha!

qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

Can I steal these screenshots and post them out of context?
Especially the callback one.

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

And do what with them?

qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

Sometimes to make a point. Sometimes, just for the cringe.
Generally please interpret my question as "What license are you publishing the images in this post under?"

xpolog profile image

It is painful to watch :( Thanks for sharing and be prowed of yourself

shimoal profile image

Thank you so much for writing about this Ali! It is so helpful for other women trying to keep their head up to know they're not alone!

vbhartia_97 profile image
Varun Bhartia

Love this post, and hate how painful it is to read.

These are horrible... why are men so terrible. So many thoughts / questions about this. Why? Would people act like this if it weren't online - aka say it your face? Does it ever actually work? Does it just feel empowering?

I actually would love to have discussion / movement on how men can be better ally. Besides telling people not do to dumb stuff. Men are the issue here, how do we involve them?

Also - I wish there was some tactful way to publicly shame people... almost like a board you would see a store - "do not accept a check from this person". How do you cut down on this type of behavior. Feels like there is no punishment, especially online, for sending an abusive message.

stefanhk31 profile image

This is ridiculous, and I'm sorry you have to deal with all of this crap. I'm glad you've persisted, and especially glad that you've continued to write about it!

chibiblasphem profile image
Debove Christopher

Waw... I don't even know what to say. It must be just horrible to face this kind of words everyday.
Cheer up. We need you in tech :)

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