Hacktoberfest is a yearly festival celebrating Open Source. It's done in October, and its primary goal is to enco...
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Thanks for sharing this! I have registered for Hacktoberfest, but wasn't sure where to contribute. This list is a great help!
You are welcome.
Hey 👋
ToolJet is also participating in Hacktoberfest and we have some exciting swags for all types of contributions. Know more here: blog.tooljet.com/hacktoberfest-2022/
Greetings sir
Thank you so much for the information
I wish to find out if there are projects for no code contributions?
If yes, I'll appreciate some recommendations please
Some of these are no code @Dea . I would recommend going through the entire list and thank you for these @atapas !
Thank you!
Yes some are!
Thanks for sharing this.
You are most welcome
Amazing content!! Followed on Twitter too! ☺️
Thank you!
Awesome post man!
Would you mind if I share one of my projects for this Hacktoberfest?
It's beginner friendly and great for any first time github users.
No worries, Oscar. Please share the link in the comment too. Mark it for Hacktoberfest.
Thanks For Sharing!
You are most welcome.