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Atle Frenvik Sveen
Atle Frenvik Sveen

Posted on

Recoil atom effects

..are effing cool!

I've been using Recoil.js for a while now, but I've never taken the time to dive into atom effects before recently.

Why did I do so? Because I needed a timer. Or a clock if you will. Running in recoil. And atom effects seems to do the trick. Just look here

import {AtomEffect, atomFamily} from 'recoil';

export type Millisecounds = number;

const getUnixNow = () => Math.floor( / 1000);

const clockEffect =
  (interval: Millisecounds): AtomEffect<number> =>
  ({setSelf, trigger}) => {
    if (trigger === 'get') {
    const timer = setInterval(() => setSelf(getUnixNow()), interval);
    return () => clearInterval(timer);

 * Atom that contains the current unix timestamp
 * Updates at the provided interval
export const clockState = atomFamily<number, Millisecounds>({
  key: 'clockState',
  default: getUnixNow(),
  effects: (interval: Millisecounds) => [clockEffect(interval)],
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This gives you an atomFamiliy that can be instantiated with the desired interval, and this atom automagically updates each interval, in this case returning the current unix timestamp

const time = useRecoilValue(clockState(1000)); //new clock state that updates every secound

return <div>The current Unix time is now: {time}</div>
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Well. But what you can do is use this as a trigger in a selector that needs to run periodically

export const pollerState = selector<SomeData[]>({
  key: 'pollerState ',
  get: async ({get}) => {
    //add this to referesh every minute
    return await myApi.getSomeData();
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And this is pretty neat!

And if this doesn't get you hooked on atom effects, take a look at this, straight outta the recoil docs (Just some TypeScript added):

export const localStorageEffect =
  <T>(key: string): AtomEffect<T> =>
  ({setSelf, onSet}) => {
    const savedValue = localStorage.getItem(key);
    if (savedValue != null) {
    onSet((newValue, _, isReset) => {
      isReset ? localStorage.removeItem(key) : localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(newValue));

const syncedState = atom<string>({
  key: 'syncedState',
  default: '',
  effects: [localStorageEffect('local_storage_key')],
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This actually syncs your atom to local storage. Sweet!

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