Hey reader , back again ? so lets brush up what we learnt last article so we've discussed about insertion sort and selection sort , one works by shifting and inserting other by finding smallest and swapping ,etc etc and so on check on the older article if u haven't read that already
lets throw in our route map again
1) insertion sort [x]
2) selection sort [x]
3) merge sort <
5) quick sort <
6) bubble sort
7) cocktail shaker sort
8) heap sort
9) priority ques
10) counting sort
11) radix sort
we have reached merge sort and quick sort
now these guys are used everywhere in programming as they scale well for big datasets they are the best we got
both of them works by the principle of divide and conqueror ,which works very well and can even topple the largest of largest empires to its knees (rip india)
same goes for data when u break it down to smaller chunks and sort them portion by portion eventually you'll have the entire data sorted
merge sort
merge sorts works by repeatedly halfing the array till it becomes sigular and addding them together while sorting them along the way
our implementation is pretty damm cool
function merge(left,right){
let sortedArry=[]
let i=0;
let j=0;
while(i< left.length && j<right.length){
return [...sortedArray,...left.slice(i),right.slice(j)]
function mergeSort(arry){
if(arry.length<=1) {
return arry
let mid=Math.floor(arr.length/2)
let left=mergeSort(arry.slice(0,mid))
let right =maergeSort(arry.slice(mid))
return merge(left,right)
but its rather confusing when u think about the call stack so lets break the call stack down
< initailly lets consider an array of 6 elems
mergeSort is called
it finds half 3
right half is set to mergesort of half 3 ->
|- mergesort called of arry element 3
|- finds half as 1
| - mergesort called again on 1
|- array returned 1
|- mergesort called again on 2
|- array split and mergesort called again on 1 and 1
|- merges(2 1)
| returns sorted right half
|- mergesort called of arry element 3
|- finds half as 1
| - mergesort called again on 1
|- array returned 1
|- mergesort called again on 2
|- array split and mergesort called again on 1 and 1
|- merges(2 1)
| returns sorted left half
| merges them together to get final sorted array
merge sort always shows the time complexity of O(nlog n) and space complexity of O(n)
since it doesnt varies the average case worst case and the best case are all the same and it is O(n log n)
merge sort is a stable sorting algorithm meaning that order of the elements with equal values are presevrved when comparing to the original as they appear first
it is very useful to sort linkedlists
as linkedlist does not support indexing and random acess halfing them with slow and fast pointers work best making it suitable
no need of extra space as pointers can be swapped directly
consistant time complexity O(n log n)
disadvantage : memory usage and recursive overhead
quick sort
i always thought quick sort hard but turns out it easy as well
so basically we divide array based on a piviot element and then put elements bigger than pivot to its right and lesser to its left
then we recursively do it with left part and right part
and at the end we will have a sorted array
pivot choice is very important as it decides the performance of the algorithm
here we went for the easist where we use the last element as the pivot
function quickSort(arr){
return arr
let pivot=arr[arr.length-1]
let right =arr.filter(e=> e > pivot)
let left =arr.filter(e=>e< pivot)
return [...quickSort(left),pivot,quickSort(right)]
using first element or last element as pivots work best for random data but fails for sorted or reverse sorted data and drops to O(n^2) time complexity
other pivots we can use are
- random pivot
function quickSort(arr) {
if (arr.length <= 1) return arr;
let pivotIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length);
let pivot = arr[pivotIndex];
let left = arr.filter((x, i) => x < pivot && i !== pivotIndex);
let right = arr.filter((x, i) => x >= pivot && i !== pivotIndex);
return [...quickSort(left), pivot, ...quickSort(right)];
works best for large datasets, avoids worst case scenario
- median of three pivot
function median(arr){
let first=arr[0]
let last=arr[arr.length-1]
let mid =Math.floor(arr.length/2)
return [first,last,mid].sort()[1] //sort and get the central element
prevents worst case scenario and stable
slight overhead in calculating median each time
- median of median pivot bit more complex but it gurantees O (n log n ) complexity but overhead of some compute slower than others
useful to find kth smallest element or smthn
splits array into group of 5 then find median of those groups then recursively finds median of those medians and then so on till it finds a pivot
quick sort is not stable sorting
quick sort works in place so its used in general pourpose codes
ik this chapter feels a bit rushed and not to the point , well its cause its 4 in the morning and my back hurts and all i had for dinner was a frickin orange and i am writing this just so that i am dedicated to learning these
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