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John Au-Yeung
John Au-Yeung

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How to Make Money as a Developer

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Software development is a valuable skill. We can make money from it outside of our developer jobs.

Here's a list of things you can do to make extra money.

A Developer Job

You can make money from a developer as a full-time job, contractor or freelancer.


Make your own blog, guest post on other people's websites, write on third-party platforms like Medium to make some extra money.

With that, we can also offer digital products within our own blog via a paid section or sell digital products elsewhere.

Our own blogs can carry ads and affiliate links to make money.

Also, we can make money on promotions and sponsorships if the audience of your blog is big.

Sell Digital Products

Like blogging, we can offer some value to our audience with blogs and tutorials on YouTube, Udemy and other platforms.


PayPal, Patreon and Buy Me a Coffee have donation widgets that you can put on your blog.


If you have time, you can create a podcast to share your knowledge about technical subjects that your good at.

Sell Swag

You can sell stuff online if you find a product that people like. This may take a lot of time and money since you've to find a product that people like so you can get sales.


You can share your knowledge one on one with people that need your expertise on an issue or project.

Bug Bounty Programs

Companies like Google, Apple and Microsoft offer bounties for bugs that are found in their software.

Coding Contests and Hackathons

These contests offer prizes for coding projects that are attractive to critics and judges.

It's hard work to compete in these contests.

Create a Software as a Service

Create minimum viable products to test out the waters, and then double down if you find something that people are interested in. Ask your online audience to test out your products.

There're lots of ways to make money as a developer. They all take hard work and determination to succeed in their own way.

Top comments (7)

vicentdev profile image

I know mostly nothing about blogging but, in my opinion, a faster website on loading could be more attracting to readers. I entered to the blog and the only thing I have seen is a slow and crowded blog with a lot of words without images. Your site isn't frendly for new readers. Please, don't take this as attack (english is not my mother language and maybe I sound rude).

gabbersepp profile image
Josef Biehler

Is there an easy way to post an article on several social media platforms without copy&pasting the same text but with different hash tags to every platform ?

aumayeung profile image
John Au-Yeung

You can make your own app to use their API or subscribe to some service like Hootsuite to do that

gabbersepp profile image
Josef Biehler

"your own app" this is the only real "developer way" of how this must be solved :D

Thread Thread
aumayeung profile image
John Au-Yeung

Yea. Pretty much. Unless you want to play or use free services which are very limited.

aumayeung profile image
John Au-Yeung

That's already a lot. They'll keep you busy.

aumayeung profile image
John Au-Yeung

Sharing on social media helps if you have followers.

Twitter is easy to get followers. If you follow people some will follow back.