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Cover image for TinyUrl - Capacity Estimations
Avinash DV
Avinash DV

Posted on

TinyUrl - Capacity Estimations

Capacity Estimations :
Simply put, how many guests we are planning for your grand wedding and how much food we gonna cook, so on & so forth….
Ok, enough with the jokes :)

Image description

Traffic - like how many requests our system gets per second .
Storage - What is the db size that we are planning to store the urls & user data per 5yrs or 10yrs .
Bandwidth -  The amount of data we transfer in & out of our system, per second.
Memory -  Mostly used for calculating the cache storage per day

Things to keep handy to understand the calculations:

Numbers in-terms of data 
Decimal to binary 

Traffic :

Image description

Storage :

Image description

Bandwidth :

Image description

Memory :

Image description

Let's meet again with System Interface Design (APIs), See ya.

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