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Axel Yaguana
Axel Yaguana

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Learn About JavaScript Functions in 3 Minutes ⏱️

No matter what programming language you pick up to develop strong software, you always end up using functions to make code more effective.

A function is a piece of code that performs a task, it's made to be reusable and saves many coding lines. Do you remember your algebra classes? Well, a JavaScript function is similar to those of your math lectures in a certain way.

So, in this blog you're going to learn about JavaScript functions and how to use them.

Understanding a JavaScript function syntax

A function has a name, input arguments, its logics and something to output. So, basically, the syntax of a function in JavaScript is:

function myFunc(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
     //Function logics
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  • function is the reserved word to make JavaScript understand it's a function.
  • myFunc is your function's name. You can use any name, but you may want a name that makes sense to you.
  • arg1, arg2, arg3 ... are the input arguments. They can be as many as you need. Or your function may need no argument at all.
  • //Function logics is into curly braces {} and this is where all the magic of the function happens. It contains the code to be executed.

Function Expression

In JavaScript you can store a function in a variable and invoke it with the variable name:

const multiplicacion = function mult(num1, num2) {
     return num1 * num2
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Now, if we want to invoke this function, we code this:

const operacion = multiplicacion(3, 4)

//Expected output: 12
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BE CAREFUL! You can't call mult as a function, it will return an error:

const operacion2 = mult(3, 4)

//Expected output: Uncaught ReferenceError: mult is not defined
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Notice the keyword return. This makes a function to return something.

Anonymous Function

Yes, you can define a function with no name. They're useful while passing a callback function or creating a closure.

const anonimo = function () {
     console.log('It is an anonymous function')


//Expected output: It is an anonymous function
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Arrow Functions

Arrow functions were implemented in ECMAScript 6. The main benefit is less code since you can create a function in just one line!

Let's compare an arrow function to a traditional one:

//Traditional Function
const traditionalGreeting = function (name){
     return `Hi, ${name}`

//Arrow Function
const arrowGreeting = (name) => `Hi, ${name}`

//Expected output: Hi, Maria

//Expected output: Hi, Axel
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See how we can create the same traditional function in just one code line. If you'd like me to write a post about arrow functions let me know in the comments section.

Function Scope

When you declare a variable inside a function, you can't access to it from anywhere outside. Let's see this example which raises a number to the second power

const funcScope = secondPower(numero) {
     const power = 2
     return numero * power

//Here you can't access power
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Accessing power outside the function is not be possible.

Invocation vs Referencing

To invoke a function means to call it and to execute it. On the other hand, to reference a function is just that, to make your program know there's a function anywhere else.

Imagine you have a function called myFunc. So, if you just want to make reference to it, you type MyFunc. On the contrary, if you want to invoke it, you type myFunc(). Notice the parenthesis (). But to understand it better, let's see an example using events.

In this example there's a button and when the user clicks it, it shows an alert saying 'Hello!'.

We have this structure in HTML:

<button>Click Me</button>
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In JavaScript we have this:

const sayHello = () => alert('Hello!')

const boton = document.querySelector('button')

boton.addEventListener('click', sayHello)

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As you see, in the line boton.addEventListener('click', sayHello) the arguments are 'click' (the event) and sayHello (a function). But the latest is just being referenced, since we don't need it to be executed unless the user clicks the button.

So far, you have learned the basics of JavaScript functions. The key to become a good developer is practice. So I ask you to write your own functions and to practice all you need.

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Top comments (1)

ash_bergs profile image

Loved this post! JavaScript is my favorite wonky language, but that can make it hard to learn. I think it's good to mention that arrow functions and function expressions are not the same things 1-for-1, and scoping sees differences between the two.

Thanks for the concise write-up!