
Cover image for Love != Undefined

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Love != Undefined

const love = {
  isBoundByEarthlyChains: false,
  isLimitedByMortalFrames: false,
  soarsBeyondStarsAbove: true,
  livesOnInForeverLove: true,
  knowsNoBoundaries: true,
  cannotBeErasedByTime: true,
  livesOnThroughAgesLong: true,
  isNeverEndingSoulfulSong: true,
  travelsThroughWindsOfTime: true,
  leavesSignInOurHearts: true,
  sharesMemoriesAndPureMoments: true,
  enduresForeverPassion: true,
  shinesForeverBold: true,
  cannotBeDiminishedByTime: true,
  soarsOnWingsOfStarsAbove: true
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Love is not bound by earthly chains,
Love is not bound by earthly chains,
Nor limited by mortal frames.
It soars beyond the stars above,
And lives on in forever love.

It knows no boundaries, space or place,
A love that time cannot erase.
It lives on through the ages long,
A never-ending, soulful song.

It travels through the winds of time,
And in our hearts it leaves a sign.
Of memories shared and moments pure,
Of passion that forever endures.

Though years may pass and seasons fold,
Our love will shine, forever bold.
For time cannot diminish true love,
That soars on wings of stars above.

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