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Aya Bouchiha
Aya Bouchiha

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4 Important Dictionary Methods

Hello everybody, I'm Aya Bouchiha, today, we'll talk about 4 important dictionary methods.


clear(): this method lets you delete all the dictionary's items;

user = {
  "name": "Aya Bouchiha",

print(len(user)) # 2
print(user) # {}
print(len(user)) # 0
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copy(): lets you get a copy of the specified dictionary.

user = {
  "name": "Aya Bouchiha",

admin = user.copy()
# {'name': 'Aya Bouchiha', 'email': ''}
user['name'] = 'John Doe'
# {'name': 'John Doe', 'email': ''}
# {'name': 'Aya Bouchiha', 'email': ''}
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setdefault(key, value)

setdefault(key, value(optional)): this method returns the value of the given key If It exists, otherwise, It creates a new item with the given key and value and returns its value.

user = {
  "name": "Aya Bouchiha",

print(user.setdefault('name', 'unknown')) # Aya Bouchiha
print(user.setdefault('is_admin', 'False')) # False

# {'name': 'Aya Bouchiha', 'email': '', 'is_admin': 'False'}
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values(): this method returns all the given dictionary's values as a list.

products_prices_in_dollar = {
print(products_prices_in_dollar.values()) # dict_values([1000, 150, 10, 7])

# converts from dollar to moroccan dirham
# 1000+150+10+7 = 1167$ => 11670 moroccan dirhams
sum_in_dirham = sum(products_prices_in_dollar.values()) * 10

# you have to pay 11670 dirhams
print(you have to pay {sum_in_dirham} dirhams')
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  • clear(): deletes all the dictionary's items;
  • copy(): returns a copy of the specified dictionary.
  • setdefault(): returns the value of the given key If It exists, otherwise, It create a new item with the given key and value and returns its value.
  • values():returns all the given ditionary's values as a list


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