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Cover image for Are You Bored Of Converting "px" to "em" Using A Calculator, SASS Will Solve The Problem
Aya Bouchiha
Aya Bouchiha

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Are You Bored Of Converting "px" to "em" Using A Calculator, SASS Will Solve The Problem

Hi, I'm Aya Bouchiha, today, I decided to share with you the solution of converting "px" to "rem" or 'em' using a calculator because using It, will distract you to focus more in your work, and will let you waste a considerable amount of time, especially if the project is so big or your computer is slow.

Aya Bouchiha

What's px?

  • px: is an absolute unit for measuring.

What's them?

  • em: is a relative unit to the font-size of its parent, used for measuring, It is equal to 16px.

px vs em vs rem

Converting px to em

by default:
1em = 16px
pxValue = emValue * 16
emValue = pxValue / 16

Should I Use A Calculator For Converting px to em?

  • If you are familiar with scss, the answer is no, no, and no! so how?

Creating A Function For Converting px to em


@function to-em($val-px){
    @return ($val-px / 16) + em;
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Testing Our Function


// index.scss

// px => em
@function to-em($val-px){
    @return ($val-px / 16) + em;

h1 {
div {
    height: to-em(200);
    width: to-em(400);
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h1 {
  font-size: 1.5em;

div {
  height: 12.5em;
  width: 25em;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Have an amazing day!

Top comments (8)

fjones profile image

em [...] is equal to 16px

What? No. 1rem is usually equal to 16px, because that's the common default value for root level font-size, but that's neither the value of 1em, nor in any way a value you should just assume. As soon as you get any nested font-size declarations, this method falls apart very quickly, and unless you apply it extremely consistently (or force a root font size), scaling gets thrown off a bit by this.

Don't calculate em based on px values! Familiarize yourself with how font-size works, and consider specifically what you want to achieve: Do you want your type to scale with the user's (or container's) font-size, or do you simply want to avoid using px values "because that's best practice"?

ayabouchiha profile image
Aya Bouchiha

Thank you for the feedback 🙏🏻

abhilearnstocode profile image

Short and to the point!

Just one suggestion..
Instead of kebab-case, it would be good if you use camelCase as I happen to read the function as 'value - px divided by 16' 😣

There might be more like me or I may also happen that I've just woke up from sleep 😁.

Once again, keep bringing new articles. 🤩

ayabouchiha profile image
Aya Bouchiha

Thank you a lot for your feedback, have an amazing day!

amircahyadi profile image


ayabouchiha profile image
Aya Bouchiha


ranemihir profile image
Mihir Rane

I actually didn't even know about 'em' or 'rem' , so I read your linked article 'Sizing in Css: px vs em vs rem'. Keep up the good work!

ayabouchiha profile image
Aya Bouchiha • Edited

I appreciate that a lot!