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Optimizing Node.js Code with "lodash.memoize"

Node.js is a popular and powerful runtime for building server-side applications. However, as your codebase grows, you may find that your Node.js app is running slower than you would like. In this tutorial, we will look at one way to improve the performance of your Node.js app using the lodash.memoize function.

What is lodash.memoize?

lodash.memoize is a function from the popular lodash utility library that allows you to create a memoized version of a given function. A memoized function is one that will cache the results of the function and return the cached result if the function is called with the same arguments again. This can be a useful optimization technique if you have a function that is slow and expensive to run, and you know that the function will be called many times with the same arguments.

Using lodash.memoize in Node.js

To use the lodash.memoize function in your Node.js code, you will need to first install the lodash library. You can do this using the npm package manager:

npm install lodash
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Once you have installed lodash, you can import the memoize function into your Node.js code like this:

const _ = require('lodash');
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Now, let's say you have a function in your Node.js code that is slow and expensive to run, and you want to optimize it using lodash.memoize. The function might look something like this:

function slowFunction(arg1, arg2) {
  // Do some complex calculations here
  return result;
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To create a memoized version of this function, you can use the lodash.memoize function like this:

const memoizedSlowFunction = _.memoize(slowFunction);
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Now, when you call the memoizedSlowFunction, it will behave just like the slowFunction, but it will also cache the results of the function and return the cached result if the function is called with the same arguments again. This can greatly improve the performance of your code, especially if the function is called many times with the same arguments.

Here is an example of how you might use the memoizedSlowFunction in your Node.js code:

memoizedSlowFunction(arg1, arg2);
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That's it! By using the lodash.memoize function, you can easily optimize your Node.js code and improve its performance.


In this tutorial, we learned how to use the lodash.memoizefunction to optimize your Node.js code. By creating a memoized version of a slow and expensive function, you can greatly improve the performance of your Node.js app, especially if the function is called many times with the same arguments. Give it a try and see how it can improve your code!

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