Welcome to Week 2, Day 2
of #30DaysOfSWA!!
Yesterday we looked at using a static site builder (namely Astro) to create a personal blog and host it with Azure Static Web Apps. Over the next two days, we switch gears and look at using Azure Static Web Apps with some popular front-end frameworks - starting today with React.
What We'll Cover
- Why Learn React?
- React + SWA: Quickstart
- Build: Inventory Management App
- Exercise: Build & Deploy a basic React SWA.
Why Learn React?
React describes itself as a JavaScript library for building user interfaces that targets single-page application (SPA) development with a declarative and component-based approach. Today, it's one of the most popular technologies used for web development, leading the 2021 rising stars of JavaScript section for front-end frameworks. Whether you're new to web development, or an experienced developer, it's a technology worth learning.
New to React? Here are a couple of resources:
- Official Tutorial: Intro to React
- Creating your first web apps with React - on Microsoft Learn
- Web Dev For Beginners - project-based curriculum
SWA Quickstart
Once you have a simple React application scaffolded, configuring it to use Azure Static Web Apps is easy. In week 1, we covered the three different approaches (using Visual Studio Code, using Azure Portal, using Azure CLI) to build and deploy a vanillaJS app.
Want to try building and deploying a basic React starter app? The Azure Static Web Apps documentation has Quickstarts to help!
The following tutorials use the react-basic starter template bootstrapped using create-react-app. Pick an option based on your preferred development environment:
- SWA Quickstart: Using Visual Studio Code
- SWA Quickstart: Using Azure CLI
- SWA Quickstart: Using Azure Portal
This should help you setup and validate the basic tooling required for developing Azure Static Web Apps. Now, let's think about building something a little more functional!
Inventory Management
Today, I'm publishing the first of a multi-part series on building an inventory management app with Azure Static Web Apps and React.
Follow the full swa-react series here
In the first-part of the tutorial you'll learn about:
- Options to scaffold your React App
- Use the
option to scaffold your project - Use VS Code to configure & deploy the app to SWA.

Build an inventory management app with Azure Static Web Apps with + React, part 1
Chris Noring for Microsoft Azure ・ May 9 '22
Check out the deployed SWA at this stage of the tutorial. In the next part of the series, we'll improve UI and add routing support.

Build an inventory management app with Azure Static Web Apps with + React, part 2
Chris Noring for Microsoft Azure ・ May 11 '22
Exercise: Try It!
This is the perfect time to make sure you have your development environment setup and ready to follow along. Try the quickstart option, then follow along with the tutorial series.
Here are the key resources we shared in this article:
- SWA Quickstart: Using Visual Studio Code
- SWA Quickstart: Using Azure CLI
- SWA Quickstart: Using Azure Portal
- Official Tutorial: Intro to React
- Creating your first web apps with React - on Microsoft Learn
- Web Dev For Beginners - project-based curriculum
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