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A crash course to the most important Docker concepts and their commands

Chris Noring on April 28, 2019

Follow me on Twitter, happy to take your suggestions on topics or improvements /Chris I've written this for you that just parachuted into a proje...
toddlakes profile image
ToddLakes • Edited

Many thanks for the humor in the article!) Crash courses are an excellent way to improve your programming skills. Thanks to this, a specialist can easily find a way out of any situation or a solution to any problem. Many "writers of code" cannot solve even banal problems because of which the code cannot be compiled. Every programmer should be able to keep calm if something goes wrong. This is a normal situation if the volume of work is large. Stressful situations are an integral part of work. I believe that the best option is to attend professional courses. You recommended great online services for this! Thank! I would also pay attention to essay writing service Writing is always a difficult task for a programmer. But sometimes it is necessary for the presentation of a new product. I think that many will find useful and relevant information in your article.

alexanderrykhlitskiy profile image
Alexander Rykhlitskiy • Edited

Thanks for the post. Just one small note.
Isn't it better to avoid using

COPY . .
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as container will be rebuilt completely after any minor code change? Maybe it's better to use

COPY package.json package-lock.json ./
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softchris profile image
Chris Noring

hey Alexander.. you are right.. That's definitely an omptimization you could do. Just wanted to show something working initially..

jrc86 profile image
Jonas • Edited

Microsoft just released VS Container Tools extension.
Not sure if its for vs only, but it should work for vscode as well.
This is just for Containers, so you still need to manage images.

It's currently in preview, so use caution and report any issues.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Awesome article really good primer on docker.

softchris profile image
Chris Noring

Thank you. Appreciate your comment Max :)

healeycodes profile image
Andrew Healey

This is a fun article ☺️

maciekgrzybek profile image
Maciek Grzybek

Nice one mate:)

softchris profile image
Chris Noring

Thanks for that. Glad you like it :)

lkreimann profile image
Lea Reimann 🦄

This was very helpful, thank you :)

softchris profile image
Chris Noring

hi Lea. Glad to hear it :)

jrc86 profile image

I've been wrestling with docker almost all day. This might help when I continue tomorrow.

softchris profile image
Chris Noring

hey.. There is a link to a 5 part series in there as well so be sure to check it out. Let men know if there is anything I can do:)

jrc86 profile image

FInally I've time to get into this now. Somehow forgot to save in my reading list, but found it again!

nilemarbarcelos profile image
Nilemar Barcelos

Awesome article, had this same experience a while ago, thanks for sharing it :)

softchris profile image
Chris Noring

I thought I was relatively alone in this experience. So thank you for writing that and I appreciate your comment Nilemar :)

sunnysingh profile image
Sunny Singh

I really enjoyed the story selling format of this article! Fun to read, appreciate the primer on Docker.

ankitcn47 profile image

Please compile it into a PDF document so it stays handy to refer. Thanks a lot.

mordonez profile image
Marco Ordonez

Thanks, really helpful!

auspex profile image
Derek Broughton

As usual, though, you don't need to know all those docker commands, because we have Portainer!