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Static Web Apps - First Look

John Papa on May 19, 2020

Let's start with a story that many of you are familiar with … you're building a web app. You chose your favorite framework. Maybe React or Angular ...
shaijut profile image
Shaiju T • Edited

Microsoft Build is LIVE now and at same time you published a article on Static Web Apps . Cool 😄

john_papa profile image
John Papa


vacom profile image
Vitor Amaral

Hey, John thank you for the first look, is this similar to Vercel?

john_papa profile image
John Papa

You can publish web apps with both.

danpetitt profile image
Dan Petitt

How much do these Type of apps cost as I couldn’t find any options on Pricing Calculator

john_papa profile image
John Papa

Free for preview. We'll be evaluating the needs of the customers and feedback we get to determine what a free level will look like when it goes full release.

triptych profile image
Andrew Wooldridge

This is really intriguing and I wonder how far you can take this in terms of having a pre set application that you can unfold into a static site.

john_papa profile image
John Papa

Give it a try and let us know how it goes!

minhbk profile image
Nguyễn Trí Minh

Can you explain what is different between host a website by Static Web Apps and host by Azure Storage?

john_papa profile image
John Papa

From Daria, our PM ...

"Azure Storage based hosting is also a great option for customers who prefer to assemble their own solution and are primarily focused on hosting static content."

"Static Web Apps is not a competitor for Azure Storage. It is a fully managed offer with a unified workflow from source code to cloud and streamlined management. This encompasses both static content and dynamic content (serverless APIs)."

jwp profile image

@john_papa Any guidance in getting Authorization and Authentication up and running?

john_papa profile image
John Papa

Please refer to these docs specifically here for Auth

jchlu profile image
Johnny C-L

I suspect your direct competition here will be Netlify, so at least matching their free tier allowance and simplicity / ease of use would be a good starting point when assessing pricing.