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Discussion on: Advent of Code 2020 Solution Megathread - Day 7: Handy Haversacks

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Christopher Kruse

I went way overboard with my Rust solution.

I found a graph library to model the actual structure of the nested bags. Spent more time trying to reason out the graph structure and figure out what I was doing, than I did actually getting the problem solved.

A fun exercise, to be sure, but not the fastest way to row the boat.

As always, available on Github.

use aoc_runner_derive::{aoc, aoc_generator};
use petgraph::graph::{DiGraph, NodeIndex};
use petgraph::visit::Dfs;
use petgraph::Direction;
use regex::Regex;

fn parse_input_day7(input: &str) -> DiGraph<String, usize> {
    let id_re = Regex::new("^(?P<color>\\D+) bags contain").unwrap();
    let rule_re = Regex::new("(?P<count>\\d+) (?P<color>\\D+) bag[s]?").unwrap();
    let mut bag_graph = DiGraph::<String, usize>::new();

    let rules: Vec<&str> = input.lines().collect();

    // Create graph nodes.
    let nodes: Vec<NodeIndex> = rules
        .map(|line| {

    // Connect graph nodes
    nodes.iter().for_each(|node| {
        let rule_str = rules.iter().find(|rule| {
                "{} bags contain",
        rule_re.captures_iter(rule_str.unwrap()).for_each(|mat| {
            let target_str ="color").unwrap().as_str();
            let edge_weight = str::parse("count").unwrap().as_str())
                .expect("Couldn't build number from count!");
            let target_node = nodes
                .find(|n| bag_graph.node_weight(**n).unwrap() == target_str)
            bag_graph.add_edge(*node, *target_node, edge_weight);

#[aoc(day7, part1)]
fn contains_bag(input: &DiGraph<String, usize>) -> usize {
    let mut flip = input.clone();
    let shiny_gold_index = flip
        .find(|i| flip[*i] == "shiny gold")
    let mut count = 0;
    let mut dfs = Dfs::new(&flip, shiny_gold_index);
    while let Some(node) = {
        count += 1;
    count - 1

#[aoc(day7, part2)]
fn total_bags(input: &DiGraph<String, usize>) -> usize {
    let shiny_gold_index = input
        .find(|i| input[*i] == "shiny gold")
        .neighbors_directed(shiny_gold_index, Direction::Outgoing)
        .map(|node| edge_counts(input, shiny_gold_index, node))

fn edge_counts(graph: &DiGraph<String, usize>, parent: NodeIndex, node: NodeIndex) -> usize {
    let bag_count_edge = graph.find_edge(parent, node).unwrap();
    let bag_count = *(graph.edge_weight(bag_count_edge).unwrap());
    let neighbors = graph.neighbors_directed(node, Direction::Outgoing);
    let nested_count: usize = if neighbors.count() == 0 {
    } else {
        graph.neighbors_directed(node, Direction::Outgoing).map(|n| bag_count * edge_counts(graph, node, n)).sum()
    bag_count + nested_count
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