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10 NPM Packages for Productivity

Productivity is always key, we all know but as developers with tight deadlines and packed schedules, finding the right tools to boost productivity can make a world of difference. So, I’ve pulled together some of my favorite NPM packages.

Here are 10 NPM packages that will give your productivity a serious boost. And trust me, these aren't just the "usual suspects."

1. nodemon

If you haven't already, it's time to install this. nodemon automatically restarts your Node.js application whenever file changes are detected, so you don’t have to keep restarting the server manually. It’s one of those "set it and forget it" tools that become indispensable once you start using it.

2. concurrently

If you need to run multiple npm scripts at the same time (like a backend and frontend dev server), concurrently is a lifesaver. One terminal tab, multiple tasks.

3. eslint
A no-brainer for keeping your code linted and clean. It helps catch syntax errors and enforces coding standards. If you're working with a team, this can prevent style-related PR comments.

4. prettier
Prettier helps format your code consistently. Pair this with ESLint for the ultimate clean code setup. Plus, you can add it as a pre-commit hook with husky to ensure every commit is formatted perfectly.

5. husky
Speaking of which, husky allows you to run scripts before Git commits. You can automatically run linting, tests, or formatting before every commit, preventing those "oh no, I forgot to lint!" moments.

6. lint-staged
When paired with husky, lint-staged allows you to only lint or format the files that are being committed, saving you time and processing power.

7. axios
Making HTTP requests is a common task for any developer, and axios remains one of the best libraries for this. It simplifies your requests and supports promises and async/await. Plus, its features for interceptors make API calls easier to manage.

8. jsonwebtoken (JWT)
Security is key, and JWT is still a go-to for handling token-based authentication in 2024. It's reliable, and its NPM package makes generating and verifying tokens a breeze.

9. dotenv
A small but incredibly useful package that allows you to separate environment configurations from your codebase. It’s great for managing sensitive keys or environment-specific settings.

10. moment-timezone
Yes, moment is considered legacy now, but moment-timezone still plays a role when you need to handle time zones reliably. It extends moment to parse and display dates in various time zones, which comes in handy for international apps.

Which ones do you already use, and what’s missing from this list? Let’s discuss it in the comments!

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