REST API is a mandatory skill that must be mastered by backend developers today, several well-known frameworks that help you develop it are Lumen. Lumen is a derivative project from Laravel that focuses on developing micro-frameworks, you could say this framework is smaller and faster. Therefore in this session, I will write for you how to create a REST API using the Lumen Framework.
Installation Lumen
Before making a REST API of course we will first install lumen on local using composer, here is the command to install Lumen :
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/lumen rest-api-lumen
after the installation process is complete, it will automatically create a new folder called rest-api-lumen, open the folder using your favorite text editor and then we will start configuring the project.
Step 1 : Configuration
Open the .env file, find the following key and adjust it as below:
At this time we will use an SQLite database as a place to store data.
Step 2: Database and Migrations
After the configuration process is complete, we will first create the table using migration, run the command below to create a new migration file:
php artisan make:migration create_products_table
After that the new migration file is in the **database/migrations **folder, this time the example table that we will create is the product table which contains several attributes, namely name, price and description. follow the code below:
Then follow the command below to run the process of creating the product table:
php artisan migrate
Step 3: Create Model
The next step we will create a model for the product table by creating a new file called Product.php in the app/Models folder and then following the code below:
Unlike laravel, our lumen framework must first configure when using Eloquent and Facades by opening the bootstrap/app.php file, then uncommenting the following code:
Step 4: Create Controller
The next step we will create a new controller file called ProductController.php, put the file into the app/Http/Controller folder, then follow the code below:
Step 5: Setup Routes
The next step we will customize the routes file, open the web.php file in the routes folder and follow the code below :
In the picture above we create a route url prefix with the name api/v1 then we create another prefix group for our api products, after everything is done, it’s time for us to start testing the API to make sure it runs smoothly.
Step 6: Testing API
Pada langkah terakhir ini kita akan mencoba api yang sudah kita buat sebelumnya, untuk test apinya aku memakai extensinon Thunder Client pada Visual Studi Code atau bisa memakai Postman, Sebelum test API kita jalankan terlebih dahulu lumen menggunakan perintah dibawah ini :
php -S -t public/
kemudian bisa dilanjutkan untuk test APInya, berikut adalah hasil dari test API :
GET All Products
Get Product By ID
Create Product
Update Product
Delete Product
We have been able to create a REST API for a product using the Lumen framework, of course, this is not enough because basically making a REST API requires other components such as Authorization, Rate Limiting, etc. You can see the source code of this article on my github **account,** don’t forget to give a star and share this article if it is useful for you.
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