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Let's Get Your Own Free Domain

Palash Bauri 👻 on August 19, 2018

In the era of internet everyone wants their online presence , but having an online presence is not so simple as it seems. To have your own websit...
bauripalash profile image
Palash Bauri 👻

As I mentioned in the first place that these should be used for experiments and testing.

Actually I want a .com or .co domain very badly but being a high school student it's very costly to me that's I why I added the donating option so that kind hearted persons can donate me few bucks to help me get a .co domain

donaldkbrown profile image
Donald Brown

You can get a free year of a .me domain from the GitHub student pack.

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bauripalash profile image
Palash Bauri 👻

Yes , I got one

lepinekong profile image

2018 ALL reviews seem very very bad like
I had a (free) domain for several years without problems. But after some time (and probably higher google ranking) the domain is suddenly considered as special. This means that the further free domain is removed from my account. But i can reregister it for money now... thats not fair. There was no further information, notification regarding this issue from Freenom. The domain was properly renewed. So it was not expired.

bauripalash profile image
Palash Bauri 👻

As you can see above i suggested to use free domains just for experiments and testings , in serious case paid domains should be used.

I also wants to buy a paid domain ( or , one of these domains i want) , but being a student i really don't have money to spend on buying a domain for my blog , I'm currently waiting for kind hearted persons to donate a little so I can buy my domain. 😯

lepinekong profile image
lepinekong • Edited

OK I will experiment : I have registered and I don't care if they rip them off :)

Maybe people didn't renew within the latest 15 days frame before expiration that's why they had to pay. I'll see in one year.

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bauripalash profile image
Palash Bauri 👻

Let's See...what happens in year!

mrleehayward profile image
Lee Hayward

I've had Freenom remove and even ban a few of my domains with no explanation. I even created a domain which pointed to a video by David Icke and London Real with their permission, but later discovered that Freenom had deleted the domain and tagged it as "Fraud" , again with no real explanation other than "buy it next time" attitude! They literally implied that if I don't want my free domains being removed or banned, I should consider paying for them. That is not FREE, that is blackmail!

randall72096766 profile image

Thanks for sharing this amazing information. First, you want to improve your business then you need to select the best domain name.

According to my personal opinion DomainRacer is the best domain name web hosting company in the world. They are offering various domain platforms like .net, .xyz, .com, .tv, .in,, .de, .me, .it, .scot, .org, .info, .au, etc. at very cheap price.

You can check all domain extension here -

You can go with DomainRacer because they are providing the best plans and services according to your need.

yankoo__ profile image

CO.NF is now down. check their control panel, on the left they say it. Also all the domains redirect u to a ads page

bauripalash profile image
Palash Bauri 👻

Seems like they also have removed the option to register a domain only ,

ankitbrijwasi profile image

Is anyone able to register at freenom??

I can't find there signup page