
Before Searching For A Dev Job

Brian Barbour on May 20, 2019

I've analyzed numerous articles and videos about imposter syndrome. They've helped me realize one important thing: even the most seasoned developer...
jimmymob profile image

Amazing! I have been struggling with the right way to learn and based on your article seems like it's very important to document the topics that one will be learning. I'm just curious, how long have you taken to achieve all that?

bbarbour profile image
Brian Barbour

I've been at it 3+ hours a day since November

jimmymob profile image

November 2018?

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bbarbour profile image
Brian Barbour

Yes sir.

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jimmymob profile image

Thats just amazing! All the best with the remaining topics

paulooi profile image
Paul O

a wonderful read! I still consider myself somewhat new to the industry as i finished my schooling last year and working full time out of the gates. but it's a good reminder to keep tabs on accomplishments and next goals. i believe in lifelong learning. keep up the good work!

since my program didn't focus specifically on react, I'm going through freecodecamp's react lessons and a Udemy course.

bbarbour profile image
Brian Barbour • Edited

If you end up needing any help with React, let me know! I love it and just trying to figure stuff out in it is so fun.

ratherbsurfing profile image
Chad Collins

Awesome post! Personally Ive been at this "building the web" work for 25 years now! You never stop learning, and you will always be further along than you give yourself credit for. I enjoy your posts Brian, they always cut to the core of the truth and offer great insight. Keep programming, designing, and writing, you are already one of the greats in my book.

bbarbour profile image
Brian Barbour

Oh man, thanks Chad. That means a lot to me. I have found my passion, that's for sure.

j_riordan profile image
Jake Riordan

This is great! Thanks for writing this. I think I'm in a similar place as you and finding it hard to structure myself. Making progress, but not as effective or efficient as I could be. I may pinch your curriculum and use it for myself as it ties up exactly what I want to do! Best of luck finding you dev job!

bbarbour profile image
Brian Barbour

Good luck Jake! Feel free to. I can't say it's perfect, but I've curated it the best I could.

clauach07 profile image
Clau A.

This is awesome!! I just started with all this webdev thing a couple of years ago, while doing a biology masters. That curriculum/goals path is great!

jorgemgr94 profile image
Jorge Marcial García Rizo • Edited

It's an amazing path, maybe i would add after GraphQl course, something like:

  • Find and complete a React native course.
  • Find and complete a MongoDB with Node course.
  • Create a CRUD with React (front), Node, Mongo and GraphQl (backend), and the mobile app with React native.

These three points will approach you to full stack development with JS and as you see you're very close.. Regards!

bbarbour profile image
Brian Barbour

I got a taste of GraphQL with Gatsby and loved it so much. Thanks for these suggestions!

jazzglobal profile image
Christopher Gambrell

A very much need inspirational post, even if that was not your intention. Keep up the good work!

lurb3 profile image

Thanks for the article, really inspiring!

Really nice job you are doing, i think setting goals (well defined goals) its crucial when you are self taughting.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Awesome way to document your life in learning to become a good developer. I find that documenting helps a lot in attracting employers or clients to pay you for work.