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Joining Hackoctorbefest and the first 2 PR

First PR : Hacktober_website

I was first aiming for a doc contribution since in my mind it will be the easiest way to contribute and take part in Hackoctorber for a rusty programmer like me.

When I'm searching for a project or an issue to work on I usually query
is:open is:issue label:"good first issue",hackocterber sort:comments-asc language:typescript,javascript to look for a project that I'm comfortable to work on

Then I got a chance to take a look at issue-22 of the Hacktober_website where they give us a free chance to just contribute usefull information for the Hackoctoberfest website. I use what I have learned in class and create a hopefully act as a guidance for newbie or people like me to start contributing to open source project. Fell free to checkout my PR-26. By the end, I happy to first contribute to a project during Hackoctober but did not think people who run the project pay attention to the contributions since I saw many PR got merged without any comment and guidance.

Second PR : Progress-icons

I came acrross through another issue-19. At first I was not sure about what @huayunh try to mention through the issue and I try to ask if she can clarify what is the problem and what I have to do, then after she rephrased her issue statement, I understand there is a deprecated image links in the of the React and Angular directory.The fix is easy where I uuse the image links in the './' to replace for the depricated links. It was an easy fix but it helped to boost my confidence and aiming for another contributions. You guys can check out my PR-20

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